Chapter 6 Past

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"Great, back in time, just what I need," Regina scoffed. Trudging a bit, she hears horses. "Oh me.." she tucks herself behind a tree and spots her Evil Queen self stepping out of the carriage. 

"Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" Regina muses. As the Evil Queen antagonizes townspeople, Regina realizes she has to make it somehow to Rumple's mansion to get a way home. 

She can't just walk around as herself though. She waves her hand and puts herself in a peasant dress, and puts a cape on. Lifting the hood up over her head, she heads into the town. 

On her way, she spots Snow White. Smiling to herself, she realizes it's the moment Charming and Snow White first met. 

Regina had certainly changed since this time period of the past. The Evil Queen was out to destroy Snow White at that time, hunting her down, and here Regina was smiling at the first meeting of the true love couple.

Suddenly, Regina gets an idea. An idea that could possibly fix her poisoned heart. 

Waving her hand, she dresses herself as the Evil Queen, exactly. Lifting her red velvet, she swags her walk and follows where the carriage went back to the palace. 

Poofing into the Queen's chambers, she nibbles grapes and waits to hear her own heels clicking towards the door. 

It slams shut and she's faced with herself. 

The Evil Queen stares stunned, and is immobilized by Regina, Regina reaches forward into the Queen's chest and takes her heart. 

Regina waves her hand and glamour spells the Evil Queen. She's pretty, still Killian's type. Regina sits on the bed, and talks to the heart. 

"Go to the tavern, and find Killian Jones," She said controlling her Evil Queen self. 

Killian Jones is rolling dice in a tavern, a pretty girl on his arm, as he laughs boisterously at his game. 

He's interrupted by a brunette leaning over the table. "What are you boys playing?" She asks, and the Captain clicks his tongue staring at her. 

She lures him to another table. "Now, I want to know how you got this hook," she caresses the steel. "You hear so many stories," she's coy with him.

He slides himself forward, "You know if I didn't know any better, I would say you were trying to get me drunk? That's not very nice," He slurs. "Mmmm well, why not?" She asks playfully. 

"Well I can carry this bottle out, the question is, are you coming with me?" He flirts. "Of course," She stands, and takes his arm following him out. 

Regina holds the heart, "Take his heart," she says. The disguised Evil Queen takes Killian's heart as per her command. 

"Split it," Regina commands again. The Queen twists the heart and it's in two halves. "Put half in his chest," She told her. 

In Storybrooke

Killian felt a random jolt in his chest, and gasped. "You okay?" Henry asked. "Uhh yeah," Killian nodded and checked his phone, given Regina said she was on the way about ten minutes before. 

In the Past

"Okay and knock him out," Regina said to the Queen. She does so and returns to the castle. 

Killian awakes on the ground outside the tavern, "Cap'n, there you are," Smee finds him. "Ohh I thought I had a beautiful woman with me, or was that the bottle? It's been a night Smee," Killian groans, getting to his feet. 

As the Evil Queen returns at Regina's command, she takes the half of the heart from her. Putting it into her chest, she takes a breath. 

As she presses the Queen's heart back in her chest, Regina waves her hand and poofs away. The Evil Queen looks around, confused, and goes about her business. 

Not wanting to risk the safety of herself in the future, she decides to test if her plan worked. She heads to the docks, with the disguise of the same woman she disguised the Queen as. 

"Trying to get away from me Captain?" She calls from the dock as he stands on the deck. "Ah, I knew I was with a woman," Killian says. 

Regina takes a breath as he walks towards her, closer and closer and nothing happens. "Where did you run off to?" Killian smirks. 

"Oh, I just wanted to freshen up, for a night cap," She shrugged. "Is that so?" Killian smirked and gently touched her. 

She didn't feel any pain in her chest, and his hand was on her. It worked. Missing him so deeply, she couldn't resist kissing him, even though she didn't even look like herself and he had no idea. 

"Mmmm, well shall I show you onto the ship?" He asked. "Uhhh maybe another time," she said, knowing she couldn't just stay there. 

"What?" Killian quirked his brow. "Not tonight Captain," she whispered in his ear, and shuffled off. 

In the middle of the forest, Regina is relieved, and hopes she can find her way back now, she would of course need, "Rumplestiltskin!" she called.

"Ah Dearie?" Rumple popped up. "You look different your majesty," He observed. "Yeah okay, that's because I'm from the future," Regina said. 

"Time travel isn't possible dearie," Rumple laughed. "Well it is, Zelena did it, and your first plan the first curse that I manage works too," Regina said.

"Excellent, is that so?" Rumple chuckled. "Yes, so can you please conjure something to get me back to the future?" Regina asked. 

"That takes time Dearie, and are you sure you haven't affected anything of the past? RIPPLE effect you know," he said. 

"I didn't change anything that would change the future, except having a not poisoned heart," Regina said. 

Regina controlling the Evil Queen for the brief time she did, didn't affect anything of the past events, nor did sharing a few moments with Hook under disguise. Nothing was altered in her time there, aside from splitting Killian's heart. 

"I still don't understand how you got here, and I need to make sure you don't do anything to screw anything up," Rumple said.

"What? I just told you everything," Regina scoffed. "Still," Rumple said. "If you don't send me back Rumple, you won't see your son again," she spat.

"Bae? I find him?" Rumple asked. "If you don't want anything changed, you need to send me back, get on with it!" Regina scolded.

"Does he forgive me?" Rumple asked. Regina sighs. "What? what are you not telling me?" Rumple demands.

"You find him, and he forgives you, and loves you, but he dies..." Regina said. Rumple sighs, "Send me back Rumple..." Regina presses. 

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