Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

Once we got to Alaska I drove to the Denali coven's house and as I was driving Renesmee woke up crying and then once Nessie woke up so did EJ and so I pulled over to the side of the road and I turned around to my kids and I said hey hey there its ok it was only a bad dream.

EJ said no mommy I dreamt that the Volturi found you and killed you and took us away and I said no nothing like that is going to happen because right now I'm taking us to some people that can help us ok and Renesmee and EJ both said ok mommy and relaxed back in their car seats and then I turned around ready to drive again but as I did something banged on the boot.

So I said Nessie, EJ I'll be right back and so I got out of my car and I walked to the boot of my car and I saw a little girl about 4 years old just lying on the ground crying and looking scared so I walked up to her and I picked her up in my arms and I said hey their little girl what's wrong and she said mommy left me and I said oh my what's your name and she said my name Lucy

I said well Lucy my name is Bella and I've got a little girl in the car called Renesmee and a little boy called EJ so would you like to come with us and live with us until we find your mommy and Lucy said yes I would love too can I call you mommy until we find mine and I said yes of course you can and then I took Lucy to my car and I put her beside EJ and then I put her belt on and then I got into the car and I drove again and I kept driving until I got to the Denali's house.

When we got to the house I stopped the car and I got out and I took lucy out of the car and then lifted her up in my arms and then I took Renesmee out of her car seat and took her hand and then I took EJ out of his seat and I said EJ sweetie why don't you take Renesmee's hand and he said ok mommy and took her hand and then we walked to the house.

When we got to the house I knocked on the door and about 2 minutes later the door opened and there was a man standing there and he said hello can I help you and I said yes I think you can I'm looking for the Cullen's and the man said as he gasped I'm sorry but I don't know any Cullen's and I just said look I don't have time to muck about here I know you know the Cullen's and I know your vampires and a while back Edward left me in the woods and then after that I found out I was pregnant and I was growing fast so I went to the Volturi and they helped me give birth and then they turned me into a vampire but the only way they would've ever helped me is if I served in the Volturi guard for 50 years but when I found out that they were going to take my kids off of me I ran and now they are after me and my 2 kids and the man said wait 2 there are 3 kids here.

I said as I pointed to Renesmee and EJ yeah only these 2 are mine this little one I found crying out on the road on the way here and the man said oh right poor girl and I said yeah so do you know where the Cullen's are or not and the man said um I'm Eleazar and I said nice to meet you I'm Bella and he then said nice to meet you Bella come on in and I walked into the house with my kids and then we followed Eleazar into the living as we got into the living I saw 5 more people standing there just looking at us and my kids got scared and backed back up to the door and even little Lucy got scared and hid her face into my neck.

I said hey hey Renesmee, EJ it's ok they are good vampire ok they aren't going to take you away ok and they both walked back over to me and said ok mommy and then I looked back over to Eleazar and I said ok so do you know where the Cullen's are or not I really need to find them and then I heard a voice I thought I would never hear again say well you've already found them and then Edward and all the Cullen's walked out of the shadow of the kitchen and just smiled when they saw me and then I put Lucy onto the floor to allow her to crawl about and I said the only reason we are here right now is because we are in trouble and we need help.

Carlisle said we would be happy too help you Bella after all you are family now right and I said oh yes um Renesmee, EJ and they both said yes mommy and I said as I pointed to Edward kids this is your father and his family and as I said that Renesmee, EJ both ran over to Edward and the Cullen's and hugged them both happy to see them and Edward said nice to meet you both and I said right ok will you help us stay away from the Cullen's please Carlisle and Esme and they both said of course we will Bella and I said thank and then the woman called Carmen out of the Denali coven said um Bella I think Lucy needs to go to bed as she point to the floor and so I looked down at the floor and I saw she was asleep on my foot and so I laughed and picked her up in my arms.

I said Edward could you take Renesmee, EJ hunting they haven't been since they were born and Edward said yes Bella of course and I said thanks and looked at Carmen and said is there a bed I can lie her on and she said yes upstairs first door to your right and I said thank you and took Lucy up stairs and brought her into the room I was told of and I lied her on the bed and I sat onto the bed to stop her falling off and I watched her sleep because I didn't need to worry about Renesmee, EJ because Edward and the Cullen's had them both.

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