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Authors POV

Jimin was doing horrible. After he was released from the hospital he was put on medication. Anti-Depressants. Jimin hates them. They made him feel worse. He was tired. Insomnia was a pest that followed him into his bed at night. Depression held him captive. Jimin hated that Jungkook had saved him. He could have been happy by now.

When Jimin walked through the halls, everyone continued their whispers. News had gotten out that Jimin had attempted suicide. Now everyone treated him worse. He was now the "depressed, suicidal kid." He hated it. All of it.

Jimin had lost an enormous amount of weight since he's been on his medication. He still didn't eat. At least no one new about his bulimia. Things would be wayyy worse.

Jimin went home just to cut. Woke up just to cut. Went to sleep after he cut. Just about every inch of his skin was covered in cuts. All on his arms and wrists. All down his legs and ankles. Hell, at one point he had cut all over his stomach and sides. He couldn't leave his house without every single inch of him was covered.

Jungkook didn't make his life any easier, either.

Jungkook had told Jimin to see him on the rooftop of their school at 8 o'clock one night. When Jungkook saw him come out of the door to the roof he immediately waved him over.

"What am I doing here?" Jimin mumbles sitting down.

Jungkook sat next to him and reached out to hold one of his hands.

"Park Jimin. When I moved here, you were known as the boy that hated himself. Everyone knew you were unhappy. Even I did. I wanted to fix that. No one deserves to be sad all the time. No one deserves to live through what you had. After we met, I was so happy that you even talked to me. I was glad we became friends. When you were raped, I was furious. I thought it was because my friend was just assaulted, but it was really because I love you. I never planned on loving you, but you're just so precious. I love you, Park Jimin."

Jimin stared at Jungkook and smiled as he looked up at the stars.

"I love you too, Jungkook."

Jungkook's face broke out into a grin. He grabbed Jimin and kissed him. It was soft and gentle. Jimin responded immediately.

When the boys pulled away, Jimin stood up and looked at the stars.

"They're so beautiful. They each have a meaning, I believe. Each is a truth untold.
I love the stars. I think after tonight there will be one more."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook was confused.

"I want to live forever in the stars. Just not on this earth. I hope to go to Pluto. I love you Jungkook-ah. Don't shed any tears, just look up into the stars and say goodbye."

With that Jimin ran and jumped off of the rooftop. As he fell, he felt happy. He felt free. Like a bird.

"Spread, spread, spread my wings."

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