Chapter 7

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After I woke up I did not see any one so I got dressed in a pair of icy blue leggings and a big long sweater that hung down to the tops of my legs. I then put a pair of black flats on and walked out I had put my hair in a one sided braid that hung down on my right side. Once I was in the hallway I just slipped in with the crowed of 7th year Huffulpuffs and walked down in to the Grate Hall. As I walked in I looked over and saw Pansy and Astoria laughing at some poor 2nd year Ravenclaw that they had dumped silver paint in her long black hair. I saw her starting to cry, so I walked over to her and gently asked for her name.

" Ireland Gray." she whimpered.

"Hay it's ok. don't cry that's just what they want. Come on tell me about yourself ." So she did. I really liked Ireland, she had a funny side that reminded me of the two red headed twins of Hogwarts. I laughed at all most all her jokes they were just that good! After dinner I helped Ireland clean the silver paint out of her hair, and then I walked her to her dorm room and then walked back to my dorm and got ready for bed. Before I could even get in bed a girl in 5th year ran in and told me that some one was at the common room door for me. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:57 P.M. and there was only 15 minute until curfew so this must be important for some one to come out this late. I walked down and out the door and I saw a figure in the shadows.

"Hello ?" I called out unsure of who it was. I got my answer when the person stepped out. I sucked in a deep breath. I was looking up in to cold gray eyes and shudder. Draco stepped up and grabbed my forearm.

"You know that the head girl lives in the same dorm as head boy right?" He whispered huskily in my ear.

"Come you need to get moved in and it's Friday night so no classes in the morning so get your things and come on." I looked at him and blinked and then said.

"What?" Draco turned and looked at me and said

"Did you forget that you are now head girl because Granger left to work at the Ministry."

"Oh yeah. Hang on and I will get my things." I walked in and because I had not unpacked yet I just shrunk my trunk and put on my cloak and head back down and saw Draco still in the same place I left him in. We walked up to the 7th floor to the portrait frame of the founder of Slytherin house

"Malfoy! What is Lovegood doing up here!" He said in a whisper yell.

"Salazar She is the new head girl. Remember Granger left to start her job." Draco stated Slytherine nodded and then Draco said the password and we went in. Once I got in I really liked it. The room was done up in deep woods , blues and, silver all over.

"It changed." Draco said under his breath.

"What?" I asked.

"The room it changed colors. It was wood and red and silver. Not blue and silver."

"Oh" I said.

"So which is my room?" Draco said to fallow him so I did and he went up a flight of stairs and saw two doors Draco opened the door on the left and I saw that it was blue, bronze and , wood. It was my house colors and I loved it so much.

"Ok well I will be in the next room and knock before opening it." I nodded and flop down onto the bed. I drifted off to sleep with a certain pair of gray eyes staring at me lovingly in my head.

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