1| You can't fix him

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"stop telling yourself you can fix him. He's been that way for too long„



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Once I made it home from work I instantly started on dinner for William and I. He would be home any minute from work or the bar, whatever one he had been at today. As the clock struck 5:30, the door opened and closed with a slam. I quickly grabbed a beer out of the fridge and placed it at his spot. When he walked in her reeked of alcohol, his face was stitched with anger and his fists were clenched.

"Hi baby" I smiled softly which pulled him out of his thoughts and he smiled down at me. He stood about a foot taller than me and was about double my weight. "Hi" he simply stated and sat down at the table cracking the beer and taking a long drink of it. "Dinner should be ready any minute" I said sweetly and went to check on the noodles.

He never said a word apart from 'hi' as he continued to slurp down his beer. When he set it down it sounded empty so I quickly grabbed another one and replacing the how empty one.

I quickly filled his plate with the noodles I had cooked and placed a little bit of sauce on top, exactly how he liked it. I grabbed the smallest bit for myself and ate quietly. "The boys are coming over Friday, make sure you aren't here" he snapped. I nodded quickly, "would you like more?" I asked, he nodded and pushed the now empty plate my way. I grabbed the plate as he took a swig of his beer.

I filled his plate up again and placed it down in front of him. Once I finished the little bit on my plate I quickly washed it and placed it in the dishwasher along with my fork. Will was about half way done with the plate he had in front of him when she sat back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hands. "Could have been better" he said pushing the plate away from him. "Sorry" I whispered and grabbed his plate, emptying the rest into the trash and rinsed it off.

The clink of the can on the table was like an alarm that went off every time it was empty. As soon as the empty sounding 'clink' hit the table I know I had to get him another before he got angry.

"Finish with the dishes and meet me down the hall " Will stated annoyed and grabbed the can off the table cracking it as he walked down the long hallways. I let me muscles relax as he walked away.

I finished the dishes quickly not wanted to leave him waiting for to long. If he was sat there wait for too long it would make the experience ten times worse than it always was.

As I finished with the last pot, I placed it in the dish washed and closed it, leaving it cracked opened to the contents inside didn't get funky from the closed air.

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