11: Justin's true life story

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Selena- what?!?!? Why didn't he tell me?

Chaz- he never tells people he's embarrassed we are the only ones that know

Selena- whys he embarrassed it's not his fault

Chaz- I know but would you want someone to rape you?

Selena- looks at him and shakes her head) you raped me

Chaz- sighs and scratches his neck) listen I'm sorry I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing

Selena- sighs) it's fine I forgive you

Chaz- thanks

Selena- can you go get Justin I want to talk to him (looks at the guys) alone

Chaz- nods and leaves with the guys)

Justin- comes in a few seconds later and closes the door) you wanted to talk to me

Selena- nods and pats the bed

Justin- sits by her)

Selena- looks at him) you didn't tell me you were rapped

Justin- Chaz told you

Selena- nods) but why didn't you

Justin- because it's embarrassing

Selena- I told you Chaz rapped me

Justin- I know but (sighs) that's different

Selena- how's that different we were both rapped

Justin- sighs and throws his head back) I'm sorry I didn't tell you and im sorry for hitting you

Selena- I forgive you only because I hate fighting with you but I feel like we fight all the time

Justin- nods) I know we do I hate it also

Selena- so let's not fight

Justin- shakes his head) ya like that's gonna happen

Selena- smiles) we can at least try

Justin- nods) OK

Selena- so I decided if it's OK with you I'll move in with you tomorrow

Justin- smiles and hugs her) of course it's OK with me

Selena: what are you going to do if I piss you off are you going to hit me

Justin: no I will walk out of the house if you piss me off

Selena: why is the gang going to live with u?

Justin: you know im the presidents of the gang and Logan is Vice President and when Logan finds out i hit you Logan will be pissed off because one rule in the gang is not to hit are girlfriends so if i hit you again im not the presidents of the gang and you know i love the gang

Selena: so you love the gang more than me

Justin: no I love you and the gang the same but I love you more than the gang but I just don't want to lose the gang

Selena: I know baby I love you more

Justin: I love you more than you love me (kiss selena)

Selena: (kiss Justin) yep

(The gang walks in Selena's room)

Logan: when are you going to bed because it 12:00 a.m. And we have a gang meeting tomorrow and we are going to help Selena move into your house Justin too

Justin: ok we going to bed ok daddy

Logan: very funny Justin

Justin: you're just like my dad and you know hate I'm dad

Selena: Why do you hate your dad Justin

Justin: because what he is doing to my family and now he has a new family and now I have a half brother and sister and I can't see my brother and sister I will want to see my brother and sister

Selena: What about I going see you brother and sister than ask you dad if you can see you's brother and sister

Justin: the will be good to do

Selena: I love you (kiss Justin)

Justin: I love you more (kiss Selena back)

Chaz: So what are we going to doing with Selena and baby?

Justin: what (piss off?)

Chaz: Miley is my girlfriend and she said the Selena was going to have a baby and me going to be a dad to the baby

Justin: You know the baby daddy of your baby and Selena now she have a baby because she got rape I'm the babies daddy

Selena: (cry) stop

Justin: im sorry

(The gangs went to sleep and so did justin but Selena cried herself to sleep)

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