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Potter Head
Hey Maloy we still on for tonight?

Yeah totally!

Ill see you at 11

Potter Head
You better


In an odd way Draco thought it was silly the two boys still called eachother by their last names, after all, they did kiss. Draco breathed in slowly. He was nervous. It wasn't the first time he had snuck out of his dormitory, but he had been caught almost every time. He couldn't this time, not with Harry of all people.

He stepped into the shower and gently ran his hand through his fair blonde hair. Pansy knew, and now Potter. It scared him. Had Harry told his two flat faced friends? Had they told someone else? Draco shivered.

"Father please!" Draco was on his knees now pleading with his father. "I'll get better I promise!" Mr. Malfoy made a disgusted sound and hit his own son over the head with the cane in his grasp.
"You are a disgrace to the Malfoy name."
"Father no no father! I'll marry a girl! I promise! She'll be pure too! As pure as they come!"

Mr. Malfoy laughed. "Of course you will. I will make sure of it."
Slowly and sloppily Draco rose and held onto his father's robs. "But first I will show you how a true man behaves." Draco looked up in fright. Knowing that what was about to come next would be unthinkable. He turned to his mother with pleading eyes. She stood there a decent ten feet away, tears rolled down her cheeks. Her hand was over her mouth, a curse from her husband. She couldn't scream for help even if she wanted to. The spell was too powerful. Her eyes spoke with pain and suffering, just wanting her son, her only son to be okay.
"You are a Malfoy man." Mr. Malfoy spoke with a sharp tone. "You do not show your unimportant emotions, such as this." He made a gesture to Draco. "The Dark Lord wouldn't even at the slightest bit pitty you for your disabilities. You are a Malfoy. You show no pain, no volderbilites."
Draco nodded in agreement. "These 'feelings' these 'tendencies' you are having right now about that boy, are unrealistic and inhuman.  Tell me my boy are you human?"
"Ye-yes father."
"Then tell me, are these thoughts true?"
Draco gulpped. "No father. No. It was a mistake I swear."
His father smiled, his yellowed teeth shined.
"Now get out of my sight!" The man roared and hit his son with an abusive spell.
"If I ever find out about this again it will be worse! Do you hear me Draco!?"
"Yes father!"


Draco gasped for air. He pounded the shower wall with his fist. The flash back still cleanly in his mind. "Father... would not want this..." the blonde whispered to himself, thinking of the consequences. It will pass it will pass. It has to...

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