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When they got to the apartment parking lot; Christian quickly went to the passenger side of the truck and helped Liz out. She was still in shock. Her hart was broken she couldn't believe mike would do that to her. After all the crap he did to her she still loved him, she knew it was fucked up but she couldn't help it. All she wanted to do was lay in bed and cry.

Christian helped her out of the car and into the apartment. They went up the elevator to the pent house suit. Liz was starting get back into it she didn't need Christian help anymore. Once the elevator door opened Liz was shocked again. She was always use to
old apartment or trailer that's how she grew up most of her life. But this was beautiful,

She loved the dark theme but still having big widows for the sunlight

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She loved the dark theme but still having big widows for the sunlight. But once again guilt began to seek in.
"Umm are you sure I really don't want to invade this place is way to nice for me anyways." She really didn't want to but Christian through all of this trouble.
"Liz not this again I'm totally fine with you staying actually I'm more then fine I won't take no for an answer. I told you I'm here to support you and that's what I'm going to do. I care for you too much I won't let you go somewhere unsafe," he could tell she was a little surprised about the last part. But the truth is he did care for her. He cared for her a lot. She had a way of making him feel alive. She made him feel like no one has ever before, she was stealing his heart and he couldn't go anything about it.

For the rest of the day the sat on the couch watching movies. Christian could still tell that Liz was sad. So he tried his best to cheer her up by putting funny movies on or making funny comment and what not. He had put on a calm face through out the entire day but inside he was furious. He couldn't believe that douche mike would hurt Liz like that. It made him want to go out and find mike and hurt him the way he hurt Liz. He was thinking about it again when he was interrupted by Liz.

"Hey um, I'm sorry to ask but do you think I-I can borrow something to wear to go to sleep." She ask nervously.
"Oh, ya of course let me go get you something," he went to his room and pulled out some sweats and a brewers shirt. He walked back to the living room and handed it to Liz. "Sorry there a little big. Those are the smallest I have," he scratched the back of his neck.
" No there fine thank you. Also um, where can I change?"
"Oh ya, the bathroom is down the hall first door on the left,"

"Ok thank you," she said while she walked towards the hall. Christian pulled out his phone and order some pizza. They said it would be there in ten minutes. After he hung up he turned to see Liz. He loved the way she looked in his clothes. The both stood there in silence awkwardly, until Christian broke the silence.

"So I ordered pizza do you like pepperoni?" He went and sat on the couch and patted next to him, for Liz to sit down. She went and sat next to him.
"Ya I love pepperoni," she said with a smile. Christian smiled at her too. He live to see her smile it warmed his hart. He turned on another episode of the office. Right away they laughed and made jokes. Until they heard a knock at the door. Christian got up and grabbed his wallet, to pay for the pizza. Once he gave the guy a tip he brought the pizza to Liz.

"Dinner is served my fine lady," he  bowed the pizza. Liz started laughing so much.
"Well thank you my kind sir," the both started laughing Christian floped on the couch they were both eating pizza. They started watching the office again.

"Hey Liz," Christian said looking at her.
"Ya," she said still laughing at the show.
"The-the day I hit you with the ball, in the beginning why were you crying?" Liz looked over a Christian.
"Well I had broke up with mike and he hit me and-" Christian blood immediately started to boil.
"He what?!" He yelled a little louder than he wanted to.
"He hit me, but I guess I deserved it because I was breaking up with him," he was shocked at what she was saying. 
"Hey listen to me, don't you ever think that you deserve to get hit. You don't ok you deserve way better. You deserve to be treated like a queen." The fact was that Christian was ready to offer all of those things but he was too much of a chicken to go for it. Liz went to Christian and pretty much jumped in his arms, giving him the biggest hug. 

"Thank you for everything, you've change my life for the better thank you so much," Liz said with tears in her eyes. Still hugging him. Christian felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

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