The Worst Afternoon To Date

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21st April 2013 - 12:30PM

Upon arriving at the hospital, after an hour and a half high speed across Scotland, I rush into the main reception and am met by Alice's mother who took me down to her room. Upon arriving at her room I felt my heart shatter and get torn from my chest. She was there, laying on the hospital bed, clinging onto life after a suicide attempt.

For the first time in roughly 4 years I felt tears start to form in my eyes, I didn't want to lose her, I couldn't lose her, if I did, it would have been the end of me, we had been together for 3 years, she was there by my side when I lost my best friend, through my parents divorce, through the mourning process after my granddad died, my issues at school, everything. She stood by my side through it all, why wasn't I there for her in her time of need?

21st April 2013 - 01:30PM

As I sit there at her bedside, her parents the opposite side of me. As we sit there just watching her sleep she stirs and wakes, we move forwards a little, she looks at her parents and says she was sorry for what she did, causing her parents to both cry. She then turns and looks at me. She says she was sorry she didn't talk to me about her problems and that she didn't want to burden me with them, as she says this I start to tear up again, then as she tells me she loves me there is a high pitched beep as doctors and nurses rush in and drag us out the room. My worst fear, Alice had flat-lined....she was dying....I was losing her.

21st April 2013 - 02:30PM

Me and Alice's parents are sitting in the waiting room, just waiting for any news. As her parents sit on the chairs, I'm pacing the room. As a doctor walks in the room with the look of sorrow and regret on his face I knew instantly what he was going to say, he looked over to me and asked me to take a seat, as I sit down with Alice's parents, the doctor looks at all of us.

'I'm very sorry' he began 'We have been working on Alice for the past hour and I'm sorry to inform you that we were unsuccessful in resuscitating her'

Alice's mum fell to the floor crying as her dad tried to comfort her. As for me? Well, I didn't know how to react, I couldn't cry, I couldn't walk, I couldn't even move my hands....I'd lost my best friend, the one person who always knew how to make me laugh, my first love and my last love since.

21st April 2014 - Unknown Time

1 year on. The past year has been hard, but I made it through, people say that the first year is the hardest and its true, it was hard. But I can sit here and say I made it. Not a day goes by where I don't miss Alice, but I know that she would have wanted me to continue and make myself a good life. I still haven't been in another relationship since, but why would I? I'm still in the grieving process of losing Alice, it will take time.

So this is Sam's story. A normal wake up turned out to be the hardest day of his life, spanning to the hardest year he has ever faced.

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