👑Chapter 84👑 Needy

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{An amazing reader sent me a trailer for THBM if anyone knows how I can upload it let me know please! I would like to post it next chapter!}

♡Awesome cover made by Kill_love03, Thank you for sharing!♡

Chapter edited by the beautiful and talented duchessoftheclouds


👑Bryson's POV👑

I think I took about 200 photos. Everyone was pulling me on every direction, asking to take a picture with me or the team.

I wasn't gonna lie, I loved the attention. But this time, it just didn't feel right. All I wanted to do was go somewhere quiet and ask Madina what she thought about the game. I didn't even care what the sport inspectors thought.

I just wanted to hear her words. Why? Because they were always the truth. Her thoughts mattered to me.

I smiled one last time as the camera flashed. I moved quickly away from the crowd, hoping no one would catch on. I searched the bleachers, hoping to see her, but I didn't.

Maybe she left already.

But she'd never leave without saying goodbye.

“Bryson.” I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around as Majeed had a wide smile plastered on his face. He grabbed me into another hug. I patted his back and chuckled.

“Are you going soft on me, bro?”

He laughed and let go of me abruptly.

“The only thing soft is your heart when Madina is around,” he said, crossing his arms.

I crossed my arms and squinted my eyes. “Touchè,” I said.

That's when the whole Omar family started walking towards me.

Is it getting hot in here?

Or is it just me…

I noticed my mum walking beside Madina as their arms were linked together. I'm not a nosy person or anything, but by judging their smiles, I really wanted to know what they were talking about.

I knew she wouldn't leave without saying goodbye.

Mr Omar stood in front of me as he just stared at me with a straight face. So I did the same. The group around us silenced as we just stared at each other.

I'm gonna be honest, it seemed like a scene straight out of a Bollywood movie.

Yes, I said Bollywood movie. Don’t judge. Madina forced me to watch it with her once. Let's just say, I wasn't disappointed.  

His hand flew out in a shaking manner. I grabbed his hand and shook it.

“I enjoy seeing how hard you work, son,” Mr. Omar said.

I let out a deep breath. I'm not gonna lie, this felt good. I thought he still hated me. The last time he called me son was way before the incident.

“Thank you, sir.” I smiled.

If I wasn't such a pu**y, I would cry right now. Why the hell was I feeling so emotional. Dang, is this how it feels to be a female menstruating?

“I know how harsh I was towards you before… well you know why-” Mr. Omar started.

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