Chapter One

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Fem Naruto Uzumaki x Kakashi Hatake
Nov 10
Alive parents (Minato & Kushina)
Conceived at her 16 y/o and his 24 y/o
Yuuta Uzumaki Hatake - brave big
Born on May 12
Mimi Uzumaki Namikaze - her little sister
Shuto Uzumaki Namikaze - her little brother
6 years younger than her

The unblemished tan body buckled, engulfed by the full moonlight through the window beside her. The powerful masculine pale back shifted, engulfed by the bare moonlight along darkness. He's on top over the long creamy blonde spread out on the bed, almost covered her three-whiskered rosy cheeks. She gasped with her cherry lips as dizzily gazed up at him with the pure ocean eyes. The handsomely face without the mask and the hidden leaf headband. He watched her with the longing heterochromia eyes as the silver hair winded according to his movements.

His firm mouth crushed her sweet lips as he speedily thrust his hips against her. He entwined her right hand in his big hand. She wrapped her slender legs around his hips as her head rested against his crooked neck as she moaned, "Kakashi..." He replied back to her through the intertwined hands. He slammed into her so hard. Together, they moaned louder. He surged into her to be filled with his white seeds.

Naruto twitched and moaned occasionally to each shooting inside her as he buckled his hips in, once more. A few minutes later, he finally flopped back on her ample chest. He lays there between her propping legs. Naruto breathed barely and combed through the silver hair using her fingers. He looks up at her tiredly, "I love you, Naruto."

She smiles gloriously, "I love you too, Kakashi."

He fell asleep with a peaceful smile. She sighed contently before pulled the blanket to cover their body and fell asleep with him.

Next morning, Naruto waked up at the delicious smelling of breakfast. She got up as the blanket fell off her naked body and yawned while went into the bathroom across the hallway.

Kakashi heard the shower started coming from the hallway. He smiles giddily as he watches the egg and bacon frying up in the pan.

Later, he placed the last plate on the small table. He is being embraced by behind. He looks down at the petite blonde girl grinned up at him. She lets go of him and quickly sat down in the chair, awed at the breakfast in front of her. "As always, you are a really great cooker, Kakashi!"

He chuckled and took his seat, "Thanks, Naru."

After traditional prayer, they started to eat breakfast calmer. After he finished his breakfast, "Naru, I have to leave early." He stood and grabbed a few scrolls and tucked in his pocket bag.

Naruto frowned, "I will miss you..."

His eye crinkled upward, "Me too..." He kisses her a bit longer to taste the slightly miso ramen and strawberry to remember her flavor. "I love you." He kisses her one more before he pulled up his mask and shunshined away.

"Be safe." She whispered to nothing.


"What?! I-I don't think I can hear you. Say what?"

"I say you're pregnant." The very old woman repeated patiently. Her name is Fuyu, she is only ones kind and tolerant toward Naruto. Unlike villagers, she doesn't resent at her for lost her biological granddaughter in Kyuubi Attack. Fuyu loves her so much because she considered Naruto as her granddaughter. "Who is the father?"

Naruto blushed faintly, "...Hatake...Kakashi...I am sorry for keeping a secret from you..."

Fuyu eased up and shook her head, "You two forgot to use the condom, didn't you?" It isn't questioned, it is rather a statement.

"Well, duh, we were in a crazy argument about his long term mission and then this and that. Now, I am four weeks pregnant." She snorted.

Fuyu chuckled and then frowned, "So, are you going to keep your baby, Naru-chan?"

"Yes, I am gonna keep a baby because it is our child!" She said confidently.

Fuyu beamed, "At least, I will be your midwife when your baby comes." They laughed together.


She screamed and grounded her teeth when she finally pushed her baby out of her birth canal. She groaned and dropped back on the bed with her forehead sweating. She becomes lightheaded, but she able to hear her baby's crying.

"It is a boy," Fuyu informed, move to the fragile mother to let her see her baby.

She smiled brightly when she saw her small son in Fuyu's arms. The platinum blond hair mopped on top of his head and he inherited his father's looks, except for the blue eyes.

The only people knew her pregnancy are Fuyu, Hana, Anko, Kurenai, and Yugao. However, only one is known who is her child's father, is Fuyu. Others not.

"Finally, here my son come after long nine months..." She laughed as reached out for her son. Fuyu smiles and hands over her son in her arms. She rocks and shushes him until the small boy stopped crying and sniffled before fell asleep in her arms. She caressed his round cheek with her thumb. "I love you, Yuuta."


She startled and immediately glance up at the exhausting man stood with the smiling Fuyu, "K-Kakashi? S-since...W-when were you arriving here?"

"Just a while ago..." He replied as he walks over to her side to watch his newborn son astonishingly, "He is really our son, Naru?"

"Yup. His name is Yuuta," She grinned at her teary lover, "Welcome back, Kakashi."

The moistened eye crinkles upward, "I am home...Naru."


She cried on the old woman's chest, "No...Baba-chan..." The trembling Kakashi shed down his tear, holds his four-month-old son in his arms. He may not know her but, he got close with her than ever because he saw her as his almost real grandmother.

Fuyu died peacefully on Aug 2nd.

To be with her biological granddaughter in heaven.


The certain blond man saw Naruto trained in the training ground to shape up her body. He suddenly remembered this she is his elder daughter. He gasped. "N-Naruto?" She swirled her head to look at him. She growled lowly and dropped her routine. "Yes, Hokage-sama?" She said patiently.

There's pang in his heart when he is being called 'Hokage-sama' by his own daughter.

"W-What are you doing here? A-aren't you supposed at home?"

It's a late night for a girl trained alone in the training ground.

Naruto snorted, "What home? Oh, do you mean your house? Sorry, I just moved out years ago." She said cryptically.

"Move out? Years ago? Why can't I notice before!" He yelled.

She deadpanned, "Pardon me, Hokage-sama, I have to get home. Good night." She quickly turned around to walking away from him.

"Wait–" But she's already gone.

Kakashi held her close to his chest and kissing her nape, "I can't believe Minato has only realized you after 12 years." Naruto nodded and leaned her head against his chest as watching the moon in the sky on the Hokage Monument. "Yuuta. Is he sleep well after being feed with my milk?"

"Yeah. He looks cute. Hopefully, he wouldn't wake up and bawls louder. He sure got your lungs though." He sighed depressingly.

She laughed out loud.


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