Chapter 43

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“You know, I’m getting old… I get sentimental very easily… but let’s continue…” said Mr. Kaella. “Yes, dear viewers, that was the state of Earth when I was born. And as a boy, growing up alongside my father, I wondered… what is my mission? What is it that I have to do, to create in my life, to prove worthy of my name?”

“Growing up and pondering, I realized that it wasn’t enough that our family, our Company, provides mankind with energy. People also need food and water. When I looked around, I was surprised with what I saw.

“Numerous companies that used our energy, at a very cheap price, were selling food to people at astronomical prices and profiting from the hungry and the thirsty. That is why I increased the price of energy to a level that they couldn’t withstand. And I bought them all and merged them with our company. The prices of water and food immediately dropped drastically for all people.”

“Then I wondered, what next? What else do people need? What belongs to people? Education, healthcare, protection of lives and properties… Does every person have this? Does every person, to who my family selflessly gives energy, food and water, also have everything else necessary for a decent life? No. And why not? Because not every person can earn enough to be able to put their children through school, get medical treatment… And why not? Because there is no work for them, or they aren’t paid enough, or the company that they worked for went bankrupt. Is a person responsible for their company going bankrupt? Is another person responsible for their company not going bankrupt and for being able to educate their children? While their neighbor cannot.”

“At one moment, I was nearing forty, it became clear to me what I must do. I have to create an Association of Companies within which all companies will collaborate, and not compete against and destroy each other.”

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