The Mess In Cosium

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A/N Well, I can't promise if this will be a long chapter but enjoy it anyway! XD


"Hmm..." Silver groaned, opening his eyes as he started to get up and rub his head. "Where... am I?"

A groan came from behind him and he turned to acknowledge who was with him. "Shadow?"

"Ugh," Shadow hissed, rubbing his aching head too. "and by 'I', you mean 'we'?

"Ugh, my head..." Sonic grunted, soothing his head, which was throbbing painfully. "Nice going, Shadow,"

"How could THIS be my fault?!" Shadow argued.

"You're the one who—"

"Hey!" Silver noticed Trails from a distance, his yell catching the attention of the other hedgehog as he ran over to the wolf and helped him to sit up. "Kid, hey! Kid, speak to me!"

Trails coughed and coughed as Shadow ran to their side. Sonic followed, spotting Trails's glasses on the grass.

'Such an old pair of glasses.' he thought as he picked it up and ran to the others.

"Feeling any better?" Silver asked, placing a hand on the wolf's shoulder.

"Yeah," Trails coughed as he spoke. "I'm fine, thanks,"

Silver smiled as Sonic handed him the glasses he found. "Your glasses..."

"Oh," Trails gave a small smile as he got his glasses back and placed it on his face. "Thank... you..."

His eyes widened in horror the moment his vision got clear as his mouth dropped.

"Ah... you okay, kid?" Silver asked once he saw the shocked look on the wolf's face.

"Huh?!" Trails screamed to the top of his lungs. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

The scream was so loud that it could have reached the ears of everyone in the entire kingdom!

The three hedgehogs were shocked at the scream before placing their hands on their ears to not be deafened.

"Well," Silver sighed. "that was unpleasant,"

"What's the matter with him?" Sonic wondered.

"Beats me," the other two shrugged.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Trails was in a verge of panic as he was beginning to tear his fur off from his head. "I've really done it this time!"

But soon, his panic turned to excitement.

"Not in the way I expected, but it did!" His eyes lit up in enthusiasm as he spoke. "I can't believe it actually worked! I am a GENIUS!"

His ears, however, pinned back down in realization. "...a genius who's going to be DEADMEAT."

The hedgehogs watched the wolf sigh after talking to himself.

"," Silver bit his bottom lip nervously. "he's talking to himself,"

"I think he hit his head too hard then..." Sonic felt the awkwardness.

"Okay, okay," Trails let himself ease out. "calm down, Trails. Stay calm, hide them well and fix the machine ASAP,"

He sighed in relief at his plan and nodded at himself. "Good, that sounds like a plan. That'll do it,"

"Now, let's—OW!" he turned and accidentally hit someone, sending him down on the ground.

He groaned and rubbed his head before he looked up. His eyes widened to see the greatest and most powerful wizard of Cosium with a third eye on his forehead and Kaze's youngest brother; Darren Hedgehog.

Trails quickly stood up with fear and nervousness in his eyes and facial expression. "Lo-Lord Darren! I-I didn't see you!"

"What are you doing here, Trails?" Darren sternly asked.


"'Nothing'," Darren grabbed Trails's ear, causing the young wolf to howl in pain. "is a hint of one of your 'messes' AGAIN. When I report this to the king, you'll be—"

He turned and froze the moment he saw he three hedgehogs, his eyes widening in shock.

"Yo!" Sonic greeted with his usual cockiness.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Trails was trying to pry the hard hand from his ear as Darren was still in shock.

"Oh my god..." were the only words that the wizard could process at that moment, not knowing what else to say.

"Alright!" Shadow, as usual, went to his rage and defense mode, going on his battle stand as he lost his patience. "You'd better tell us where the heck are we! Or we'll have a fight to talk!"

Silver and Sonic followed, all their fists clenching as they all glared at the other hedgehog.

Darren was taken out of his shock and knew he couldn't fight them so he snapped his fingers, making vines sprout from the ground.

Shadow, Silver and Sonic's eyes widened in alarm as the vines grabbed them and wrapped them in their tight, spiky grip.

"This..." Darren wanted to speak to them but refused and turned to Trails after letting go of his ear. "Now, listen to me CAREFULLY! Give them a disguise and don't tell anyone, I repeat ANYONE, about this!"

"Y–Yes, sir!" Trails gulped.

Darren sighed before beginning to chant, placing one of his hands on top of Trails's head while the other started glowing green. "Chaos..."

'He knows the "Chaos Control"?' Shadow's ruby eyes widened as the wizard finished his words.


With that, Trails and the hedgehogs disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

"Whew!" Darren sighed in relief. "That should take care of it. But there's something... weird about trip—"

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming nearby, making him turn around in alarm. 'Shoot!'

"Your majesties," he bowed low at the King and Queen.

"I thought we've been through the 'Your majesty' title thing," Kaze groaned, annoyed.

"Well," Darren chuckled. "sorry for I couldn't help myself, big brother. Anyway, what brings you here?"

"Darren, have you seen the boys?"

"No, why?"

"Oh, nothing!" Kaze looked as if he was about to explode in rage as he tried to keep his anger. "Just something that has to do with the slime explosion at their tutor's office,"

Darren gave another chuckle. "Of course,"

"Kaze, joking aside." Sapphire sternly spoke to her husband before turning her worried attention to the wizard. "Darren, we just let the boys run into this garden to play and then suddenly, I heard an explosion! Do you think they might be..."

"Sapphire," Darren stopped her from continuing. "I'm sure they're fine. I promise I will find them as soon as I can,"

But in his head, he was in panic while thinking, 'How can I explain to them that those three are—'

Suddenly, a huge thud came, startling the three royals but when they calmed down, they knew who caused the trouble.

"Trails." they said in unison, with Darren face-palming at the noise from his Chaos Control.

"Maybe you could go check the playground," the wizard suggested. "They might still be playing there,"

"Will do, thanks!" Kaze replied before he and Sapphire turned and walked off, leaving his little brother alone in the garden.

'I'm sorry, brother.' he sighed once he was alone. 'but I'm afraid that you and Sapphire would find this hard to accept...'

He then turned to the opposite direction. 'Better go check on Trails.'


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