Chapter 1 - Aren't We Forever?

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"Exuse me, ma'am?" said a voice behind her. Rebekah Mikaelson stopped where she stood and smiled to herself. She knew the speaker immediately, it was a voice she could easily identify. A voice she loved. "I'm looking for a beautiful girl," the voice continued. "Maybe you've seen her? She goes by the name Rebekah?"

Rebekah laughed slightly and turned to face him. Matt Donovan. She had thought the flirting would be over, the relationship long forgotten. Lord knows that she had tried to move on, but you could never move on from someone you loved as much as she loved Matt. She was so happy he called her beautiful. So happy that he still thought that.

"Well if it isn't my favourite quarter-back," Rebekah said, smiling at him. "I don't remember you being so smooth."

"It's been a long summer," he said, simply, smiling. She had forgotten how much she loved his smile. His smile made her smile. Not very many things made her smile these days, but Matt did. Matt always would. "Besides," he continued, "I think someone said that on a movie once." Rebekah laughed.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, unable to beleive that Matt was really in New Orleans. She had wanted to show him the city, the culture, but she never thought that she would get the chance to. They didn't go here when they travelled together.

"I've missed you. More than I thought I would."

"I told you not to miss me," she argued, pouting, trying not to laugh again.

"Yeah, but I wasn't on vervain, so..."

"Oh, of course," she said. "What was I thinking?"

Matt paused as if lost for words. Rebekah wondered what he was thinking about. "You look great," he said, awkardly. "Even more gorgeous than I remember." She felt her face go hot. She hoped she wasn't visibly blushing. If Matt saw, he didn't comment on it, he just continued. "I've been thinking..." he said slowly, then paused again.

"What is it?"

He didn't say anything for almost a minute. He walked closer to her, his hand still in his jeans pockets. Then he took a deep breath and just blurted out whatever was on his mind. "Listen, I know I said this summer was it... but after you left, I realized that there was nothing at home worth staying for. I mean, my friends went off to college, and I... I realized the only place I really want to be is next to you." He paused again. Rebekah wondered if she should say something, but he continued before she could. "I just... I really want this - want us - to work."

"Matt..." she said. She wondered if they could work, but she had ruled out the possibility a long time ago. Matt was human. He was weak and everytime she touched him, she was always afraid she was going to hurt him. He could have a life, children, but not with her. He deserved someone who could give him a life, so that ruled her out. He would eventually grow old, and she would always be young. They couldn't work. But how could she break that to him? After he had come all this way to see her? "I-"

"So I want you to turn me," Matt said, plainly.

Rebekah felt her face clear of emotion. What did he say? Was he kidding? Or had she mis-heard? Matt had made it clear he didn't want to be a vampire, she must have not heard him right.


"I want you to turn me," he repeated. "You know, into a vampire. I know I said I didn't want it, but that opinion went out of the window when I fell in love with you."

There, he had said it. Love. He loved her. She had always loved to easily, always fell in love with the wrong people. The people who hurt her, had not loved her back, but seen her as a toy to play with and thrw away when they got bored with her. But Matt was different. Matt... Matt was the first man to love her back. And that was why she couldn't turn him. Couldn't curse him like this.

"I love you too," she said, putting her hand on his cheek. He reached up to hold it where it was. "I do, really. But Matt, I coluld never do that to you. You deserve-"

"A life? Children? Rebekah, I'm not sure if I wanted children anyway. All I know is that I want to be with you. And the only way to do that is to be a vampire. So I'm willing to give up any future children I may have had, as long as it means that I'm with you."

Seriously, when had he become such a good talker? His words made her want to melt, to swoon. She had never swooned and always hated the thought of it. She had never loved someone as much as she loved Matt in that second. Part of her brain told her not to, told her never to fall for a man again, she would only get hurt. But she was willing to take that chance for Matt.

"I... Matt, are you sure? I mean, this... this is a huge choice! Once you choose to do this, there is no going back. You have to be one hundred percent sure about this."

"I've been thinkign about this for weeks-"

"But Vampirism... that's forever-"

"But, Rebekah," Matt said, leaning forward and looking deeply into her eyes. She could feel him breathing, hear his heart beat. "Aren't we forever?"

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