Adam be banning everyone.Everyone hatez Adam.Johan is a sexy betch.Everybody tells Adam that."Adam,Your grandma looks nice in that mini skirt." Piggy said.Piggy got banned,So she raped Adams grandma.Adam was slapped into Polars(Aka chinese prison where Polar lives) and they had douchebag sex.Johan be like "Dats some ugly shet." Moonica agreed,then Scrub walked in and Moonica started making out with him. "OOO I TOLD YA MOONICA IS DATING SCRUB!" "Shhh. Moonica said.Then Moonica mouth raped Piggy.
To be continued?
The Sexy Rape Night House
AcciónSexy Rape Night Is Here Be Ready Its Coming So Real Be Ready Involves Moonica Piggy Johan Anal Pizza and Polar possibly Adam that betch