Chapter 2

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Hey guys!

I am going to try and update around the weekends like saturday every week or every two weeks at least an I have decided that Reader-chan has powers in this fanfic (Like super speed,sensing,jumping etc.), ohhhhhhhhhhhh ^_^

Anyway lets get on with the story

Disclaimer:I do not own any characters to be shown in this story


"We are the Survey Corps"silence untill you broke it

"Oh,So thats who you guys are"You say amusingly

Every one had a confused look on their face except for the short man

"Huh?"One of them asked

"What do you mean by that?"The man with weird eyebrows asked you, which you just smirked in return

"Before I answer that question don't you think you should tell me your names first, it rude for you to keep asking me questions when you know my name but I dont"You say with a annoyed smile

"Oh!How rude of us"He said with a sheepish smile

"My name is Erwin"He said,then the girl with glasses piped up

"My name is Hanji"She said while jumping up and down, then she pointed to the short man beside Erwin"And that is Levi"You pointed your eyes towards him while he just glared at you in return

Then a girl with light-ginger hair and a smile came up to you and held her hand out for a handshake which you shook

"Im Perta Ral"She said with a sweet smile, you coudnt help but smile at her back even if it was just a little smile

She then let go and walks back to her spot, then a guy with blonde hair with a middle part speak up

"Im Eld'He said bluntly like it was the most obvious thing in the world,then a man with a much older apperance spoke

"Im Olou"He said,you saw that he was much older than every one else there, you just nodded towards him

"Im Gunther"A man said, he was really tall to your point of veiw, then a boy with really pretty teal-green eyes and a middle part came up and held his hand for you to shook

"Im Eren"He said with a smile, you shook his hand and gave him a nodd then he walk back to his sopt which was behind Levi

"Now that you know our names will you tell us why you mean by that?"Erwin said

"Sure,My mother and my father were from a team called the 'Wings of Freedom'"You say with a calm and bored tone

The others looked suprised while Levi and Erwin looked calm and collected

"If you dont mind me asking what is your father and mother's name?"

"(Y/m/n) and (Y/f/n)"

Every one looked confused except for Levi and Erwin

"Um,Corporal Levi who is (Y/m/n) and (Y/f/n)?"Eren asked with a confused expression

"Dont ask me brat"He answered with a cold tone which made Eren scared out of his witts,you glared at Levi for making the poor boy scared, you coudnt help it you had a soft spot for Eren.....somehow, just then Erwin answered him instead

"(Y/m/n) and (Y/f/n) were the two best soldiers before they were lost in a expedition that was about 20 years ago, those two are legends and aparently from what I heard they had a daughter that possed their skills and she is standing right infront of us"He said keeping his eyes towards you

They all had shocked faces, it was funny to see that and you just had a smirk on your face but your lovely conversation got interrupted when you heard loud footsteps, you then use your sensing ability and conducted that there are about 20 titans coming

You sigh and start take out your sword readying your self for battle, you pivot your right foot and start to run extreamly fast toward the sound leaving the group, while you were doing this you kept a blank face

When you see the group of titans you jump to the nearest one and slice the nape of the neck graceully

'1 down 19 more to go'You though while jumping towards the next one, this one was taller than the first one about 12 meters tall, you take down the taller one easily and move to the next one

After a matter of minutes all of the titans are already down, you jumped from the last titan not even breaking a sweat, when you got down you sat on the ground chinese style and was cleaning your blades, while you were doing that you sense horses coming

"About time"You muttered under your breath, you continued cleaning your blades while they were trying to find you in the pile of dissolving titans

When they finally find you were just about down cleaning your blades, after you were done you stood up and face the group, their eyes weird glued towards the pile of dissolving titan with a shocked face, even Levi looked shock but didnt show it as much as the rest

After they were done admiring your work, Erwin came up

"Would you like to join the Wings of Freedom"He asked with hopeful eyes

You had a look on your face that showed that you were thinking hard

'Should I join them' You thought, after a couple of seconds you had decided that you will, to avenge your parents

"Sure"You said with a determined face


Hey!!I made reader-chan bad-ass *Snap fingers with a smug face* She has powers!

Anyway reader-chan is going to get to meet the 104th trainess squad next chapter!Yay!

Till next time!


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