What are we? | 12

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  I really hope I can get 1K reads soon :)

I had it. I'm done playing his games. I didn't know what else to do than to cry my heart out. I didn't want to tell anyone just yet. I had to tell Junseo since he practically lives with me now.

  I skipped PE lesson and went to the rooftop. Surprisingly I saw Junseo there. Guess he's skipping lessons too huh. He noticed that tears were about to fall from my eyes once he saw me. He immediately hugged me and made me sit on one of the chairs. Once the first tear escaped, the tears wouldn't stop. No matter how I wanted them to stop it couldn't. After I calmed down, I explained everything that happened to Junseo.

  Once Junseo heard the news, he was furious. He couldn't believe Doyum would do such a thing. Especially to you. He got up and was ready to fight. He clenched his fists into balls and anger engulfed him. His knuckles soon turned white due to the how hard he was clenching his fist. He didn't care anymore. He walked out of the door. I tried to stop him, not wanting him to cause a scene or get into trouble. It didn't work. He gently put my hand away and walked out. I guess I'll have to follow him then.

Junseo POV
  I knew Y/N was having PE as she was wearing her PE clothes. Suddenly the bell rang. Perfect timing. I immediately looked for Doyum. I rushed down the hallway and finally found him. I walked up to him and you could tell I was angry.
"Hyung, what do you want?" He asked cheerfully. How can be cheerful right now. Oh wait he just made out with Hana of course he would be happy.
I didn't hesitate. I threw a punch.
"You little asshole. Don't ever mess with my cousin. Don't go and tell her you love her when you yourself know they are lies. Oh I hope you have fun hooking up with Hana and don't ever hang out with us ever again,"
Doyum froze. He has never seen Junseo THIS angry. He didn't move. I mean he just lost all his friends, what would his reaction be? Just as I was about to walk away Y/N came to me. Shit.
"What did you do?" She asked calmly.
"Just gave him a talk," she nodded.
"Y/N let me talk to you," Doyum said.

"Y/N let me talk to you," Doyum said.
He harshly took my hand and pulled me away.
"Let's just end this," he said with no emotion.
It seemed like he didn't even care. Tears filled my eyes and soon I knew I was crying a river of tears. He was bout to explain why but I cut him off saying,
"It's okay. I know you've been hooking up with Hana. She obviously makes you happy so go be with her," I walked off. Being the cold bitch I am I brushed past his shoulder harshly. At this point, I was about to skip school. I ran home. I just ran. I was still crying. I just ran trying to forget about everything that happened today. Before I left the school, I signalled Junseo to call me. He nodded his head and I left. As of now, I'm at home ready to chow down on all the ice cream in my fridge.

  It's been 2 hours, and school has ended. I was currently watching sad romance stories while eating ice cream when suddenly my doorbell rang. I opened it to see Junseo and Sungwon. Sungwon was still smiling so I'm guessing he hasn't heard the news. Junseo noticed and whispered to Sungwon once they both got inside my house. Once Sungwon heard, he became furious.
"I'll be right back," he smiled but you could tell he was full of anger. Uh oh. Who knew Sungwon could be this angry. We secretly followed him and reached Doyum's house.
Even though it was not clearly visible, Doyum had tears in his eyes. I took Sungwon's wrist and pulled him into the lift.
For the rest of the day, Sungwon and Junseo tried to lift up my mood. I still ate ice cream though. I looked at my phone and realised I had a lot of texts from the class group chat.

I heard Doyum broke up with Y/N cause she was fat and ugly.
Yeah same. He said it himself.
I saw Hana and Doyum kissing.
No way tf
actually, I noticed that Doyum distanced from Y/N recently.
I mean let's be real, Y/N is kinda ugly and fat.

I immediately closed my phone. Excuse me? I'm fat? He broke up with me cause I'm fat? Well then. I'll show him that I can be pretty. Skinny. But I'll still be a cold ass bitch. I made up my plan. I'm gonna prove to Doyum that I can be the perfect girl. I'll become pretty and skinny, just you wait.

Hello! I don't really like the concept of changing to become pretty cause I don't think u should change urself because of what other people say of you. I chose it cause I want the character which is Y/N to get revenge 🤣

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