Chapter One

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Zofie's P.O.V


I opened my eyes, something imediatly pouring in and causing me to open my mouth to scream in surprise but instead, water filled my lungs and I snapped open my eyes. My body became heavier as I started sinking into the depths of the lake I had woken up in.


How did I get here?


Kicking my legs, I swan towards the surface of the water. Every inch of my skin burning and itching as the water came into contact with it. I had to bear it as my vision started to turn black, my clothes continueing to drag me down as I fought to get some air. As my head broke the surface, I coughed and spluttered. Removing the forgein body of water from my lungs and gasping down the plesantly warm air.  I saw the bank only a few strokes away from me, I kicked my legs and paddled with my arms. The grass was soft under my fingers as I hauled my screaming body out of the lake. I sat on the bank, removing my shoes and tipping them as to remove the water. Everything was soaked, jacket, bandages, hair, jeans, shoes, socks. Heck, I think even my underwear was soaked through. I grabbed my bag and sighed in relief as I felt the familier shape of Kryptos sheltered inside the leather satchel. The one thing that conserned me more than how soaked I was, if my faithful sword was okay.


I looked around me for the first time. Infront of me was the lake I woke up in, looking clear and beautiful in the sunset. Strange trees surrounded me, a Dryad running from one tree to another. My brain clicked that I was in an enchanted forest, I cocked my head to one side. I lived nowhere near a forest like this..


Where in Minecraftia am I?


So many questions as to my location ran through my head, yet I couldn't answer any of them. Pulling out Kryptos, I stood up and surveyed my enviroment. Well, where ever I was, it was almost full dark and the first thing that was on my mind was shelter, food and survival. Oh, and drying off my clothes. I jogged over to an oak tree and yanked my iron axe from the satchel. Swinging it hard, I soon managed to have some logs to build a basic shelter with and also start a fire to keep me warm, possibly to even dry me off.


~After about an hour of building~

I crawled into the treetop platform that I'd created. I carefully lit a fire, my shelter concealing the glow and hiding me from anything that wanted to kill me. I stripped off everything except my underwear, sighing as I saw the infection spreading up my arms and across the back of my hand. This is the thing that made me different, that made my life a misery. But also the thing that gave me enough hope to get revenge for my family, I clenched my fist around Kryptos as I thought about my family. Little Hunter who would never learn how to use his magic. Mom, the most kind and loving person ever, always understanding if I messed something up. Dad, always smiling and laughing, ruffeling my hair after he came back from his adventures. A tear slipped down my cheek, leaving my skin with a tingling burning sensation. I wiped it away and climbed under my leather and wool blanket.


Everything will be alright in the morning, you'll be dry and warm.


Something in me wanted that to so be true. That everything would be alright, but I knew that it wouldn't, I might be dry and possibly warm but I would still hurt and I would still be like I was when I was born. With the infection raging inside me. I sniffed and rolled over, my back being warmed by the fire as my clothes hung outside to dry. Soon sleep claimed me, but nightmares echoed into my mind.


I am alone.....

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