Chapter Twenty one

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A/N: Eros POV


It's been 2 years and 6 months since the Chase was found half dead, his tattoo is half burned off, mine is too but it's not as faded as his. Chase has been in a coma, I can feel his life slowly slip away little by little, and I pray everyday for him to wake up.

Today is the day I become King. I know I need someone by my side but.. my father said he could make arrangements since my mate isn't waking up anytime soon. I look at the tall mirror in front of me as I see my eyes are a darker brown, my hair is a lighter shade, my skin is paler than ever, and I lost almost all emotions, I haven't left the castle or seen Chase for almost a year.

Chase looks worse than I do but he still manages to stay his handsome self, me on the other hand.. I look dead, drained, depressed, lost, but that doesn't stop my father from retiring and making me handle a whole country. I've never felt so weak in my life until now.

I hear everyone talking behind me and the maids and dresser put the suit on me and do some makeup so I wouldn't look so pathetic.

"My handsome son is finally taking over the family line" I hear my mother walk in, she smiles at me as she stands in front of me and holds my chin, "You will make everyone bow before you, and we will finally win the wars we have with all the other kingdoms" She lets go of my chin and pats my shoulder and looks in the mirror with me.

"H-How's C-Chase" I weakly studder as hearing and saying his name hurts.

"He's doing fine, you know if he wasn't your mate we would have already pulled the cord..  but since you guys mated and all that, killing him would be killing you" She smiles. I have always hated my mother but.. she use to be the nicest mother ever, she was amazing. Well that was before we found my little sister drowning in her own pool of blood..

I look away from my reflection as it disgusts me, I walk away from her grip and look out the window as I remember Chase would always try to sneak out the window while he tries to jump from here to the castle wall.

He was pretty dumb if he thought he could jump a 45 ft  wall that was almost 20ft away, he must have been one crazy guy. When we had our moments together, he would say how he burned down he Principals office and he blew up a science lab. He also said he scared the living day lights out of all the teachers and bullies.

He said, he could see everyone's death.. before anything happened, he said he didn't know what his death meant when he looked into mirror at his own reflection. He said.. his death was dark.. and the only warmth was a pair of arms. He didn't know anything else but.. I asked if he I could see my death and he said he doesn't want that memory in his own mind. I never saw my own death but if I knew how I died I would make everyday until that day count.

"Eros are you listening to me" My mother sounds annoyed while she forces a smile onto her lips. I look at her and say nothing, "I said.." She pauses trying to remember. "Well the doctors said that Chase might never wake.. and if he doesn't by next week we have to.. put him down" She says.

I almost growl as I feel like she is calling Chase a dog on his death bed. "You will do no such thing" I speak in anger as I hold back the urge to walk out and kill whoever thought they could do this. "And besides like you said.. kill him, kill me" I stand tall as I try to come off dangerous, but on the inside I'm slowly dying.

"Well.. the doctor said they got there hands on some SMD" She smiles. I look at her trying to remember what SMD was..?

"What's.. SMD?" I finally ask after 10 minutes of silence.

"Solutions of a Mates Death" She smiles, and I look at her dumbfolded.. I never heard of this? "It's a small needle that comes in a liquid, when.. well like in your case, your mate is dying and so if we give him this solution and you too we could save you but it would kill the other mate. You will regain your strength, mental thinking, and everything else that makes you live" She tries to explain.

"So basically.. It will kill Chase but make me better after he dies" I slowly say.

She smiles as if killing my own mate would make me better, "So you will practically steal your mates life for your own".

"No" I say.. it sounded like a question though.

"No? Eros this could save you after Chase dies" She pleads.

"I said No! I will not murder my own mate for his life, if he dies I die" I shout.

She looks at me in shock, than anger takes over her expression, " I didn't raise you to shout at your mother and not take advantage of what you can do to make your life better than everyone else" She growls while waving her hands in the air trying to make a point.

Just her saying she's my mother makes my blood boil, "You didn't raise me at all, and what in this situation can I make my life any better" I growl back. She glares at me before leaving the room, I hear a scream as she leaves but I ignore it. The maids come back in and finish what they were doing  before my mother called them to leave the room. Some of them were scared to come near me as they could probably feel the waves of anger come off of me as they come closer.

I let out deep breaths as I think of how my mate wouldn't want me to shout at any women, he said they give life, so treat them will respect but I lost respect to some women long ago and not to mention I killed one. He would be so disappointed in me right now. Just thinking of him gives me this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest and I let out a small chuckle, "Are you ok my King" A maid asks as she might be thinking I'm loosing my mind right now.

Laughing out of no where sure does get people thinking that.

I smile at her and see it the kind women that tried helping Chase that one time, "I'm fine, but we should really finish up here", she smiles at me and starts to clean up my suit. "Ready" She looks up at me, I nod at her and walk over to the door. I let out a breath before I walk out into the hall, I look at the big ball doors at I remember I met Chase in there. I laugh as I remember how red he turned when I took off my shirt.

I was so determined to take him to my room, that I wasn't thinking how he would react. I let out a sigh as my a father spots me and walks towards me with such power. "Ready Eros" He smiles, I nod, he walks through the doors and introduces me. I hear clapping and I take that as my part to walk in.

I force a smile as I wave and everyone cheers. I look down at everyone, I look around hoping for some reason to find.. him.. I know he is in the hospital but I want him to magical wake up and to magical be here looking fresh and antisocial as he looks like he doesn't have any problems with life.

I hold back my emotions as I smile at everyone hoping I don't look like I'm holding back a wave of tears. My father does his speech as he then gently grabs the crown and places it on my head, my smile leaves for a second before I quickly place it back on.

"Our youngest King to ever take over our Kingdom.." My father pats my back as I look around at everyone. "I'm pleased to announce King Eros Anderson and his mate which we are hoping will wake any moment" He smiles at me and I can tell he knows the pain I'm going through.

I hold his shoulder and than pull him into a warm hug as I feel some tears slip down my cheeks. "Thanks dad" I whisper.

"No problem son, I know the pain" He lets go and with that we head down to the party and I try my best to smile and laugh as I greet the other kingdoms.


Don't worry.. we still have a long.. long way to go lol I know it sounds like the ending but trust me it's not. 2 years and freaking 6 months like DAAMMMNNN I must have been out of my mind when I put Chase In a coma for that fucking long.

Please don't hate me I time skipped.. so Chase is like what 22 and Eros just turned 21.. I actually thought I would hate Eros's father but nope I hate the mother. Ha.. I like how I just drop this one you guys and yet I hate when stuff like this gets dropped on me 😆.

I know it's not interesting but I hope you liked it.

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