Chapter Twenty Three

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Someone POV

"Where is he!" The voice yells, as the walls echo the sound.

"I-I don't know master" I say submissively, kneeing before my master.
They call master, the Master of Fate. I don't really know why but I decided to follow, this person saved my family from the king, it was a terrible fate for my mate but they saved someone important to me. So I follow.

"You people don't appreciate what I do for you! I have done everything! And you haven't found him!" Master yells once again.

"A-all we found was... was Dean's body..." My voice fading.

"He's.. Dead?" Master pauses.

"Yes" I whisper.

"Who... who killed him? Have you found that far?!" Masters patience was being to thin out.

I whimper back, "no.." I whisper. Moments later I feel a hand wrap around my throat and I'm pushed against a wall. I claw at the hand, the boney fingers hold on tightly. I choke and claw as my air runs short.

"Find him" Is all I heard before I'm dropped to the ground. I take in deep breaths as I hold my throat. I nod and run towards the door. I shut he door and breath, I was terrified.. but angry. Chase Jackson will pay!

I walk down the hallway and slam the door open, all eyes snap to me. I growl and yell, "What!" They all quickly turn around and get back to work. Chase Jackson will die in my hands, and my hands only.

X Kings POV

I look through the crack of the door and see Eros, the bags under his eyes are deeper and bigger now, the paleness of his skin starts to stick to his bones. His eyes lifeless as ever.. just like how I was when his mother died. I relate to him in many ways.

I lightly knock to get his attention but he doesn't budge. I push it open slightly and walk in. My slow paste doesn't get his attention to much. I sit on the side of the bed and look at him. I brush his hair away from his face as he looks tired as he sleeps. A sad smile takes over my expression and tears lightly fall down my face. The state my boys in breaks my heart.

King's don't cry but this.. this is what breaks everyone, seeing their child broken down to a point you can't see a little piece of them.

I see his phone and music plays, I look at the song, the name was Hold on, I let out a shaky breath and look at him while he sleeps.

After Chase, he hasn't been the same. I was happy to have stepped in when I did, I didn't know that Queen I married would kill my sons mate for what? Power? That's not how I raised my son, and that's not how I want this kingdom to run. For me, mates come first. Mates are our power, they heal us, give us strength, they give us courage we didn't know we had.

My son went through so much at his young age already and I realize how broken he is now as I look at him.

I, myself had a young lover, she was amazing. She was my mate, I loved her with everything I had.. she was Eros's mother, she gave birth to him at the age of 16, than we didn't care. She was even happy to have had been pregnant. My father wouldn't approve of my spouse being a lower class than me but she didn't care, she thought if my father found out I was to be a father to her baby.. our baby he would accept her.

It was the opportunity for him to accept her even if he didn't but things didn't work out for us. Once me and Lily had arrived at my home to tell him, he had been talking to an old friend of his that ruled a nearby kingdom. I instantly knew what was going on.


Lily and I wait outside my castle doors as I take deep breaths calming my shaking nerves but I was too nervous or was I scared?

So many questions were going through my mind about, What if he didn't care? What if he disowned me? What if he hurt Lily? I look towards Lily hoping he wouldn't cause any harm to her. "You ready Lucky?" She smiles towards me.

Of course my name wasn't Lucky but I made an exception for her to call me whatever she wanted. "I-Im ready Sunshine" I give her a nervous smile. I called her Sunshine because she was as bright as one and always made my day by just being with me.

She gives me nervous smile back and we hold hands opening the big royal doors. I look down at her small 5'2 frame, she says for a big 6'1 guy I'm quite scared and shy for my image. She was short and a little on the chubby side but no matter what she was beautiful, her long curly brown hair hung low, her baggy yet stylish shirt hung from her shoulders, her blue jeans and boots didn't fit with anything going on with her image. To me she was random and I never figured her out.

Her grip tightened around my hand. Her glasses slowly sliding down her nose, her blue eyes showing nervousness but a hint of fear, I was just as scared but I couldn't let my father see that.

We walk into the living room and I see my father sat down on the couch with an old friend, Mr. Callas, they talk as Lily and I slowly walk to them. I clear my voice as they finally notice our presence, I give a shy smile towards Mr. Callas but he looks at me sternly.

"Fa-Father we have an announcement" I shakily announce. I grip Lily's hand.

"I do to" he says and he and Mr. Callas stands up, my fathers eyes drop to ours hands in a grip hold. His face showing disgust.

"Lily and I-" before I could announce anything, a girl walks into the room and looks at me, not looking towards Lily.

"This is him?" She questions.

"Yes Ms. Karenina Callas, this is my son Luca Anderson," he pauses as he stands in front of Lily, separating us, our hands drift apart. "Luca, you and Ms. Callas will be vowed in love, family, and will unite our kingdoms" he says in his strong voice.

My eyes widen as I look at her, "Marriage!" I practically yell at the top of my lungs. I look towards Lily and see her eyes widen, sadness clearly in her eyes.

"Yes!" Mr. Callas yells, "We will finally be family Mr. Anderson" he barks out a laugh.

If I'm engaged then me and Lily will.. I turn away from my father and run towards my room, tears weld up in my eyes as I slam my door shut.

End of flash back

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