The Campfire

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The sun had almost completely disappeared behind the gentle hill, its rays now barely illuminating the tops of the highest trees, leaving the rest of the surrounding landscape in the dark. The soft wind rustled through the leaves, its howling inaudible, covered by the sound of the thousands of crickets that were probably having a party among the very green blades of grass of the nearest meadow.

It was peaceful.

Beca inhaled deeply, the sound of her own breathing filling her ears, her eyes enraptured by the bright colors of the sunset. Her hand ran mindlessly up along her side and up to her breasts, grabbing the hem of the blue towel wrapped around her damp body, making sure her naked self wouldn't be suddenly left bare front of all the other campers that had bravely chosen "The Lodge at Fallen Leaves" as their holiday destination. Aubrey was running the shit out of that place - Beca could easily admit that - but there were way too many rules to follow, and half of them didn't even make totally sense... What's the point of mandatorily washing your hands before taking a shower? Beca didn't know for sure but she believed Aubrey just wanted to mess with her guests.

"Someone's lost in thought?"

Dragged away from her own stream of consciousness, Beca slightly turned her head to her right, where her ginger best friend was. The brunette smiled, "Hey"

"How come you're still here? You must be freezing", Chloe commented as the light breeze caressed her ankles, still wet from the shower she had just taken.

"Amy begged me to wait for her... And I am quite enjoying the view from here", Beca replied plainly, nodding in the sunset's direction, "Oh, come on, it's not that cold", she mocked once she saw Chloe giving in to another shiver.

"It's not my fault if I am a summer person", Chloe curled her nose and sneered, "And, to be fair, 70 degrees is not summer enough"

"Whatever, Chloe", Beca laughed quietly.

"How are you anyway?", Chloe asked then, suddenly more concerned. She took a couple of steps towards Beca and tilted her head a little to the side, her piercing eyes now perfectly positioned for the last rays of sun to reflect right into them, "I'm sorry about before..."

Beca looked at her, fascinated by how the different shades of pink and orange of the sunset would harmoniously merge with the light blue of Chloe's irises. She was sure that if she got close enough, she would make out the reflection of the high fir trees before them as well. "Don't mention it", she said, remembering Chloe was still waiting for an answer, "It's not your fault"

Chloe opened her mouth to answer, but she closed it immediately after, probably rethinking what she was going to say. "This wind is going to kill both me and my throat, I'd better go to the tent and get dressed", she opted for eventually, "Come with me?"

The brunette considered the offer for a second or so, her eyes running rhythmically from the redhead beside her to the door of the wood cabin where all the other Bellas were currently showering. "Yeah, okay...", she settled, "Amy is taking way too long anyway"

Pleased, Chloe grinned widely and looped her arm around Beca's, forcing her to lose her grip on the towel. They walked together in silence, the only sound being the squeaking of their wet toes against the plastic of their flip-flops... It was one of Chloe's traits Beca loved the most, the fact that however chatty her best friend usually was, she always knew how to appreciate the peace and quiet of the silence. From time to time, Chloe would cling to Beca in order to avoid slipping and falling down in the dirt, therefore rendering the purpose of the shower totally vane and, strangely (but not really, actually), Beca would find herself rather enjoying those brief moments of closeness.

The Campfire [Bechloe One Shot]Where stories live. Discover now