Angel Of Paradise

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Y/N x Angela

"Angela, for the last time.. Can you turn that music off? Every time I come back from work, you do this." I groaned, rubbing my temples.

Maybe I should mention this now, but my girlfriend is one of those angels. The ones from Heaven. To think that when I first met the girl, I thought that she was just some regular woman that acted so kindly to me. Now, she comes out to tell me that she was an angel from Heaven.

At first, I thought that was just a silly pick-up line until she spread her wings. To make this short, you can imagine the look on my face. Surprise and shock.

"I want us to have fun, Y/N." She takes a step towards me, taking both of my hands in hers. "You've been stressed for the past week, so I thought.. This would help you relax."

A simple smile grew on my face before I shook my head. "I appreciate that, I really do." I lifted our hands, letting me kiss hers gently. "But I think the last thing that I need is a dance."

Angela bit the bottom of her lip. "Honey, come on." Her hands slowly crept up my arms. "Just one night."
Our eyes lingered on one another before I pulled away. "Goodnight, Angela." I let out a tired sigh as I went up the stairs.

The next morning was definitely shocking. The moment I opened my eyes, I was greeted by white flowers.. Everywhere.

"What the hell.." Rubbing both of my eyes, I was just surrounded by flowers all over our bed. "Angela!" I called out. "Why is there so many flowers everywhere?!" Getting up from the bed, I tried to get off as many as I could, but it looked endless.

The angel popped her head in the door as she took in the scene. A large smile grew on her face as she skipped over to me. "Do you like it? I collected these from across the world while you slept." She picked up one of them, inhaling their sweet scent.

Letting out a deep sigh, I just put both hands onto my hips. "Angela, I appreciate this. I really do." That bright smile remained on her lips until I spoke up again. "But I need you to clean this up, okay?" Her smile faltered, holding the stem tightly. "You can put them in an empty vase."

Walking past the angel, I went through our closet as I got dressed for work. That was until I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I didn't bother to move as Angela held me close to her chest.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought it would make you happy." She whispered with her face against my nape. "I know it's a lot.."

My hand reached down to touch hers as I held them dearly. "Angela, what's going on with you?" I asked quietly. "For the past few days, you've been acting differently ever since you told me that you were an angel." She didn't respond as she pulled me closer, making me sigh. "I need to get ready. I'll be home tonight, okay?"

Angela nodded before pulling away. Looking over my shoulder, I stared at the angel as she cleaned up the room. As much as I would like to help her, I had to hurry up. The poor woman works hard enough to keep me happy, but I'm so.. confused. What is she trying to do?

Work has been hell lately, and I can't seem to catch a break. My boss has been a dick for the past month. He tells me that I've been lazy and that I need to work harder. This ended with me getting tons of shifts throughout the weeks, and they haven't calmed down in the slightest.

Running my hands through my hair, I stared at the computer. There was so many papers that he assigned me that I began to think that I would end up doing overtime. "Looks like Angela will be by herself tonight.." I sighed.

Tons of clicking and typing was the only thing I could hear as I worked throughout the whole day. That was until I heard a loud rumble come from my stomach. My eyes trailed to the corner of my computer, realizing that it's been at least six hours since I've eaten. "Fuck. When was my break?" I groaned.

Rubbing my eyes, I got up from my desk and went to the break room. There were a couple of people that were talking and laughing. "Hey, Y/N!" One of them called out, catching my attention. "You finally got up from that computer, huh?"

"Er, yeah. The boss has been keeping me busy, so.. I kind of lost track of time."

"Well, at least you're a hard worker. Definitely reliable." She grinned, nudging my shoulder. "Hey, I'll go ahead and buy you something from the vending machine. Just as a reward." A small smile grew on my face as I accepted her offer.

"Thanks, I kinda need that."

Taking our snacks, she and I sat down. "So, how's Angela? You two doing alright lately?"

Biting down on my candy bar, I just nodded. "Yeah. I mean, we're stable." She rose an eyebrow before leaning on the table. "Only problem is that the boss has given me so many shifts that it's almost impossible to spend time with her. I just hope that she understands.."

My co-worker smiled softly as she spoke. "As long as you're telling her that, I think that it's going to be fine."

Thankfully, my co-worker decided to fill in my shift so I could go home. Along the way, I went into a couple of stores to pick up some stuff. Angela used to tell me how much she loved chocolates and stuffed animals, so hopefully these will cheer her up. After what I was telling her this morning, I need to cheer her up.

Just as I approached our home, I could already hear music from the inside. Even when I told her, she still doesn't listen. 'Er.. Oh well, I'll let her do it tonight.' I took in a deep breath as I walked in.

Walking into the living room, my eyes were entranced by the sight before me. Angela was dancing in her white, sundress with her wings spread out. Each step she took almost looked like she was floating in mid-air, and I couldn't help but be amazed.

This scene was over as soon as it started when she and I made eye contact. "Oh, Y/N!" She gasped before scrambling to her phone, shutting the music down. "I- I was trying to-- um..-"

My feet slowly moved over to where she was. As she turned around to face me, I leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Hey, it's okay." I whispered. Pulling back from her, Angela's face was beet red. Silence fell upon the two of us, and I was the first to speak up. "Erm.. My work let me off early, so I.. Uh.. bought these for you."

Angela looked down to my arms, seeing the gifts. Her eyes lit up in almost an instant before looking back up at me. "Are you serious?" She gasped before taking them from my arms. To only put them onto the table before pulling me into a tight hug. "Oh my god, thank you!"

A warm smile grew onto my face before I returned the embrace, stroking her blonde hair in my hands. "I know that I haven't been spending that much time with you, so I want to make it up to you tonight."

"Y/N.." She pulled away slightly to look up at me with teary eyes. Suddenly, she pulled me into a kiss, catching me off guard. Slowly melting into her warmth, she wrapped her wings around my taller form.

When we pulled away, she sheepishly smiled. "So, um.. This is kind of embarrassing."

"Huh? What is?"

"Well.." She went over to the end table, and I inhaled at the sight. "I kind of got you the same gift as well.. With the addition of the flowers!"

Running my hands through my hair, I just let out a small chuckle as I kissed Angela's cheek. "I guess we can just share. There's enough for the both of us then." The angel in my arms grinned as she pulled me into a kiss once more.

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