14 - {Him.}

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Hyungwon's POV

I woke up cuddled in Wonho's arms. He had fallen asleep as well. I looked at his face, his beautiful face. I could feel his breath on my forehead and I stared at his features. He's always had  the most amazing skin, always soft, no marks and rarely any pimples, his lips have alway been soft as well.

But it's not just his beauty that attracted me to him. His personality is everything you was in a person's personality. He's so beautiful on the inside. He looks intimidating but he is the softest person out there. He is always so kind and polite, grateful for what he has. He never ignores anyone and if he does, he feels sad. He always tries to make other happy, as happy as he can, sometimes forgetting about himself, which is not good because he may suffer in silence just to make other happy.

But knowing Wonho all these years and meeting him again now made me realize that he never changed. He's still the same Wonho I fell in love with, the same Wonho who made me happy. I can't help but feel sad. Sad because I really wanna be with him once again but there is something stopping me. I can sense that Wonho is hiding something from me that he can't bring himself to tell me. And I know I shouldn't make him tell me something that he doesn't want to, but I feel like it's an obstacle.

I got up carefully not to wake him up and walked over to the balcony. I really wanna smoke but I promised Wonho that I won't. He told me that whenever I feel the desire to smoke I should kiss him to make me forget about it. But now he's asleep.

Okay fuck it. I waked back inside and placed a small kiss on his lips and then I returned to the balcony.

Wonho's POV

As soon as I felt Hyungwon's lips on mine I tried so hard not to smile so that he wouldn't understand that I was awake.

Once he left I decided to stare at him under the night sky. The city lights brightening his beautiful face. I decided to walk quietly towards him.

"Doesn't it feel like we're in some french vintage movie?" I said quietly not to kill the vibe. He o ly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Wouldn't it be weird for 2 Korean guys starring in a french movie?" He said and laughed along with the wind.

I just stared at the sky. I always loved the night sky. It's full of stars. I know that stars are just comets or whatever. But I just like the thought of them representing people on earth. Each of them is unique, they have their own beauty. And at some point they fall and lose their light, they die but this doesn't erase the fact that they were once alive, bright.

"Something is bothering you" Hyungwon said.

"Right now I was just thinking about the wind" I said laughing quietly. "But something is actually bothering me. And it's time for me to tell you" I decided to tell him. There's no point in hiding it anymore.

"You don't have to if don't want to" Hyungwon said but I shook my head.

"No it's okay, I need to tell someone." I said and took a deep breath. "When we broke up, I also lose my job as a barman, I never learnt why but I didn't question it. After searching desperately for a job I found one that had good money. Unfortunately tho, its environment wasn't the best. I would be a 'dancer' if you know what I mean, to entertain men, women every night. I would let them touch me some times because that's what boss would tell me to do. One day, my boss called me and asked to see me in his office. He said he wanted a private show, i refused at first but then he threatened me that he would fire me if I didn't. I had no other choice so I gave him a private show. He would always look at me and my body as his property and touch me whenever and wherever he wanted. This continued so many times. Until one time he went too far and almost forced me to have sex with him. Thank God someone had called the police who came in time and took him to prison. A week later the news said that he was killed inside the prison. I was so relieved to see that he would no longer bother me. This day - all these days - I felt disgusting, showering at least twice a day. But now I feel free." I told him with teary eyes.

" Wonho you know that I'm not good with expressing my emotions. But right now I'm so fucking angry. And at the same time I feel bad. Fuck, it just hurts to see a person you love so fucking much having suffered like that. I wish I could turn back time and change everything. Who knows where we would be right now" he said with a feeling of regret.

"Hyungwon, everything happens for a reason in life. If all of these hadn't happened I wouldn't be a photographer and I wouldn't be with you right now staring at the stars in Paris. Don't regret your life choices, just go along with them, you never know what life can bring to you" I told him and he only came closer to me and pecked me.

"I hope our stars will be next to each other's forever" he muttered.


Heyyyy sorry for the late update I was in a school trip.
Did you like the chapter? These two are finally making steps.
I'm gonna try to update this story during the weekend but I'm not promising anything.
Love you all, have a great day/night 💗

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