Part 2

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I took out my phone to see why it was buzzing to see a text from an unknown number

ROOM 94 1 Charger 0 thanks again really appreciate it J where do you want me to drop your charge off?? Its Dean by the way and save my number ;) xx

I replied

Haha that’s always good can’t be letting the technology beat you! Ehm anywhere really I can come get it from you if you want I’m not doing anything else haha okay will do xx

Yeah sure if you don’t mind haha you can just come get it from ours if you want? Xx

Sure just text me the address and I’ll be there in five xx

I went upstairs and threw my leather jacket on and a pair of skinnys I grabbed my helmet and went into the kitchen

A: just going to get my charger

D: okay sweetie be careful and not the Kawasaki

A: what one

D: ninja it’s not acting to clever you’ll need to have a look at it at some point

A: it’s cool I’ll do it tomorrow and anyway I’ll just take my favourite Harley  

I went down to the underground garage and jumped on my Harley and drove to the address. I got there and the boys were looking out the window obviously to see where the bike noise was coming from. I got off the bike and took my helmet off and put it on my bike and when they realised it was me dean walked out the front door

D: hey you

A: hiya

D: nice bike

A: thanks it’s my baby

D: I can tell not a scratch on it so you want to come in for a bit

A: eh yeah why not

I followed dean into the house and we walked into the living room

D: guys this is Amber the girl who saved the day

K: so this is the girl you wouldn’t sh

Just then dean threw a cushion at kit and Kieran sat on him as if to shut him up

A: okay then  

S: hi amber I’m Sean do you want a drink or anything

A: eh I’ve got the bike

S: you mean you’re not staying for the party we were just about to put FIFA on

A: you had me at FIFA yeah I’ll just get Ryan to drive it home

R: no you won’t but I’ve just sent Adam to take it back because he’s not drank yet

A: cheers Ry

R: no problem

Just then my phone rang

A: hello

S: Babe where are you

A: at a friends with Ry and the guys why

S: because I tried your mobile and you didn’t answer and I tried your house phone and your dad said you weren’t in

A: what is your point here Sam

S: you didn’t tell me you were going out

A: I didn’t know I was until about ten minutes ago and why the fuck would I have to tell you exactly where I am at all times your my boyfriend not my owner

I could have sworn I saw a look of disappointment on Dean’s face but I couldn’t be certain

S: yeah but when you don’t tell me it’s as if you have something to hide

A: really Sam you know fine well I would never cheat on you or anything like that the same however can’t be said about you. I heard all about your one night stands when you were recording in Canada and I was going to wait until I seen you to do this but we are done

S: babe please don’t do this I’m sorry it was an accident

A: Sam you don’t accidently fall into bed with multiple different people just face it we are done and you’re a douche bye

I hung up and Ry said

R: you okay wee yin

A: yeah like you said the sooner I got rid of him the better I took the ring off my finger and took a photo of it and put it on twitter saying

Goodbye @SamMcTrusty you are a lying cheating prick and honestly Amber McTrusty would have sounded so lame! #engagementoff #relationshipover

A: hey guys can my friend chloe come over

K: the hot one I was teasing

A: yeah

K: of course she can and not just so that I can get fired in which by the way I will

Room 94 VS The ChargerWhere stories live. Discover now