Chapter 1: Awakening

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My eyes strained themselves open. I was in a small room with bright white walls. The light above glared into my groggy eyes. Where was I?

The beeping of the machine on my right mimicked my heartbeats. I sit up wrinkling the white sheet that was over me. My bones were stiff and sore like I hadn't moved in a very long time.

There was a grey woolen couch on the left side of my bed.

Nothing was familiar. Nothing made sense. My mind appeared to be hollow and empty. I thought of nothing.

I yank out some wire that was going in my nose and I swing my legs over the side of the bed. My bare feet touch the cold ground and I quickly tip toe over to the white door. It has a small window in the middle of it and I peek through it seeing women and men walking by with blue coats.

I recognized them as doctors and nurses. That would mean I was in a hospital.

What happened to me?

Someone turns the knob and I step back as they enter. The man's brown eyes are wide. "You're awake?" he asks blinking

I narrow my eyes, "Well duh I'm standing here aren't i? Anyway what am I doing in a hospital?"

"Well Catherine you were involved in a car accident a year ago. You've been in a coma the whole time." He replies pulling out a clipboard from the foot of the bed.

"Catherine? Is that my name?" I ask approaching the man

"Yes, you should lay down. You need some rest." He says flipping through pages.

"I've been asleep for a year! How much more rest do I need!" I shout agitated.

My blood boils in my veins. I need more information. The little amount of details I know at the moment is maddening me.

"Calm down, you need to rest. You're body isn't use to all this movement. You'll just make yourself pass out." He groans

I ignore him and walk out into the hallway. The amount of white used in the building frightens me. It's all just a bright light with no dark areas.

I walk past rushing nurses and a few patients been pushed around on their beds. It was depressing and the smell of antiseptic stung my nose.

I turn a corner that was lined with chairs on both sides. A lady that was crying looked up as I approached and her eyes went wide and she dashed over to me and pulled me tightly to her.

I freeze trying to escape her grasp. She pulls back to stare at me intently. Her big blue eyes make her appear harmless but I didn't like how she was touching me as if I knew her.

'Catherine, my baby you are finally awake." She sobs pulling me into another hug.

I squirm and whisper politely, "Please let go of me."

She releases me instantly and I step away. "I have no idea who you are. So please leave me alone." I whisper.

"Catherine don't you even remember your own mother?" she asks

"You're not my mother," I say softly.

Her eyes are stunned and her limp blonde hair falls into her face as she sits back down into the ugly gray chair. I don't look back at her as I continue to walk down the hallway passing empty chairs.

I had now reached what appeared to be a café. I had no money with me to buy anything. I stumble over to a small shop selling teddy bears with bandages and nurse hats. There were also 'get well' cards stacked neatly on shelves. I was staring at the messages on some balloons when I feel the presence of someone behind me.

I tense and turn to look at a boy. He had dark brown hair that was all mussed up. It looked like he had just gotten out of bed. He smiles.

I return the smile. For some reason I feel comfortable in his hazel gaze. "Hi, I'm Catherine. What's your name?" I smile stretching out a ugly pale hand.

He smirks like he's amused but he takes my hand and murmurs. "I'm Dean, nice to meet you Catherine."

He shakes our hands gently. I stare at the difference of our skin tones. Mine was so pale that it could almost camouflage with the walls of this place. While his was a little pale but with a warm tan to it.

"So are you visiting someone here?" I ask curiously.

"You could say that. I was here to see a friend of mine. It appears she's fine though." He smiles shoving his hands deep into his jean pockets.

"I'm guessing you're a patient here?" he grins showing his pearly whites.

"How did you know that?" I ask dumfounded.

"You're dress," he chuckles pointing at my hideous hospital dress.

My cheeks burn realizing I had been walking around the whole time wearing what looked like pajamas. I quickly bunch the long fabric in my hands like it will somehow dissapear.

"Here take this you can cover it up with it." He smiles reassuringly passing me his black leather jacket.

"Are you sure?"

He nods and I pull on the warm jacket sipping it up. It's a little big on me so the arms sag but it was an improvement.

"Thanks so much. I better get back. See you later Dean." I smile making a quick dash back to the hospital room.

As I enter the small room the lady that had said was my mother was now talking to the man who told me my name. I cling to the doorknob hoping she wouldn't touch me again.

They both turn to look at me.

"Catherine, this is your mother Alicia." The man says motioning to the lady.

"She's not my mum." I whisper walking past them to the bed.

"Catherine you need to realize you won't remember the people that were close to you because of your amnesia but trust me she is your mother." The man murmurs

"She's not my mother. I thought she heard the first time." I shout

They both jump at my fierce voice. Then the man ushers the lady out of the room and he follows her. I sigh and reach over to the clipboard that lies on my bed.

I flip through the pages of gibberish till I find some useful stuff. It says my name is Catherine Jade Fisher. Well that's great and I'm also fifteen years old.

I fling it across the room.

It had no important information about who I am. It didn't say anything about if I was nice or what my hobbies were. It was useless.

I lie back onto the bed and shut my eyes hoping if I fall asleep I could wake up with everything been normal again.

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