Chapter 2: The photo

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Dedicated to my best friend. I know if i ever lost her i would be extremely devastated


I was in a small car talking and laughing with the driver beside me. They were just a silhouette no face. It was rather strange, but I took no notice of it. But then a large light, almost like a spotlight came rushing towards the driver's door side. I screamed and the person in the driver seat just turned to look at me and whispered, "I'm sorry Catherine."

I woke up with a start. My heart pounded madly in my chest.

I think my dream wasn't just a normal dream. It was a memory. It must have been the car accident that made me end up here. Who was the driver? Were they here too?

I hop out of the bed slipping through the door out into the wide-open hallway. The lights make me cringe and I realize what my distaste and fright of the lights was coming from. It was from the light I saw coming fast towards our car.

I shiver clutching my arms tightly around me. I decide to take a different route by turning right.

There were people rushing by in different directions paying no attention to me whatsoever. I felt alone. It's as if I were a ghost to everyone around me. It chilled me to think I could actually be a ghost right now.

I shake my head violently, kicking the horrible thought away and I quickly dart through the people. I reach circular desk with a middle-aged lady sitting at a desk typing away on her computer. I approach her wringing my fingers nervously.

"Can I help you dear?" she asks eying my clothing.

"Umm I was wondering if you could tell me if the person in the car with me is here." I stutter.

I was an idiot.

Of course she wouldn't know that. She probably had no idea who I was and it's not like they kept records of Catherine's life in her computer.

"You are Ms. Fisher right?" she asks sweetly, her eyes soft

I nod.

It was strange answering to the name. I still wasn't able to react to the name quick enough. I would run it through my mind first. But I think I will eventually adjust.

I bite my thumbnail waiting for her to speak.

"I'm sorry to say this but unfortunately your friend died. She was a lovely sweet girl. She always worried about you. But her wounds were very severe and-"

I run before she even finishes speaking. My eyes stung. How could this be? I couldn't even remember who was beside me. I never even got to say goodbye. I was asleep.

How could this be?

I shove the girl's toilet door open and scurry in like a frightened puppy and I fall limp onto one of the sinks sobbing. Tears stream down my face heavily.

Some women whisper soothingly, trying to help me to my feet. But I just bash around and they soon get the message that I wanted to be alone.

Once my sobs are more even I heave myself up so I stare at my reflection in the large mirror. I never knew how I looked like and to finally see myself frightened me. My blue eyes were large and bloodshot. My blonde hair kicking out in a million directions as if I had put my finger into an electric current.

I was hideous and plain. I mean what's so different about blonde hair and blue eyes? It's the most boring and typical appearance. I wished I had brown wavy locks that had body and didn't hang limp on my shoulders.

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