Chapter 3: Home sweet home...or not?

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I’m sprint in a forest. My legs were aching as though I had been running for an extensive amount of time. Shadows crawl in deep crevices and corners. I barely acknowledge the blood trickling down my arms and face. I was just determined to put as much distance from someone or something behind me.

My heart accelerates to the speed of light as I feel the vibrations of trailing footsteps. The air comes thick into my lungs and I have the urge to just let the person end everything for me.

I stop as soon as a clearing opens before me. Finally there’s light radiating from the full moon and I then collapse onto the ground in exhaustion.

My eyes flip open abruptly. I’m drenched in cold sweat and my whole body feels as though it’s on fire. I stare to my left and Dean occupies the visitor seat. His face is in his big hands.

I sneak out of the bed inaudibly and stand in front of him. I observe the veins that were prominent on his arms and without my permission my hands reach out to him. I touch his hands and I feel his muscles tighten but he doesn’t move.

I squat down and peer up at his hidden face. “Dean?”

He removes his face from his hands. His chiseled cheekbones twitch slightly. He doesn’t meet my gaze just stares blankly at the wall. His eyes are cold and hard like stone.

“What’s wrong?” I ask

“Nothing. Just some bad news. That’s all.” He smiles.

The smile doesn’t reach his eyes and I have the urge to hold him and make all his pain go away. But I stay put just holding his hand like it will somehow make him better.

“Is it your friend?”

He nods and swallows. His whole body looks like solid stone. He was trying to not show any emotion in front of me but I could see the pain and sadness dwelling in his eyes. They held no secrets.

“Look you don’t have to tell me. But I’m here.” I whisper.

I was surprised at what I had said. I catch a flicker of surprise and longing in his eyes but he straightens up and it’s gone. Why couldn’t he just let his emotions out? It hurts more to keep it all inside.

“Well I hope he or she is going to be okay. For your sake.” I smile reassuringly squeezing his tensed hands.

“You shouldn’t see me like this.” He says under his breath.

“It’s ok you’ve seen me worse.” I laugh

“Come on let’s go somewhere else and have fun instead of staying in this gloomy place.” I grin pulling him to his feet.

He’s face is still hard and cold. He was trying so hard to hold it in that he looked like he was going to burst. I awkwardly drag him out of the door and out into the hallway. I stiffened under the intense lights.

“Don’t do this,” Dean murmurs looking at the tiles on the ground.

I let go of his hand, “Dean, let me help you i-“

“Catherine, honey we can go home now.” My mother grins pulling me into her thin arms.

I break away and catch Dean’s wrist as he tries to make a run for it, “Dean,”

“Don’t.” he murmurs turning his back to me and walks away. I feel rejection and sadness catch in my throat and I have the urge to throw up.

“Come on Catherine let’s go.” My mother ushers pulling me along.

“No, I have to go back he’s not okay I need to help him.” I snap trying to disengage her hold on my hand.

“He’ll be alright dear, come on be excited that we can finally go home.” She smiles her heels tapping in a infuriating beat.

I glare at her. She didn’t care that my only friend was hurting. Some nice mother I had. She was heartless and only cared about herself. She probably hated using so much petrol to drive here everyday to visit me.

I sit in the backseat of a dark blue Volkswagen. I had no desire to sit beside the evil witch. She didn’t deserve anything and I still had the feeling that she wasn’t truly my mother.

“You are going to love it at home. You’ll get to see Oscar. He misses you so much.” She beams pulling away from the curb.

I press my face against the window staring out at the large white building. I would rather be in that place than where she was taking me.

The drive to my old home was a blur. No other words were suppressed from either of us and I liked it that way. I didn’t want to hear her pathetic words.

I cross my arms annoyed as she parades around the car to open my door. I had the urge to open my door strongly so she would crash into it. But at least I was thin-skinned and would let her go uninjured.

A golden retriever jumps at me as we make our way into the backyard. It nips at my knees and bangs it’s strong paws onto my legs. I wince knowing I would develop bruises. I push the dog away gently and quickly dashed inside, ignoring my mother’s calls.

I finally find my own room and I was relived that it had a lock. I could at least not have anyone come in whenever they please. I drop onto the bed and reach out to the book that sat beside my bed on the bedside table.

I quickly flipped through the pages, bored. Then I stare up at the ceiling. It had been painted with clouds and it almost look like the real thing. I smile knowing that the two Catherine’s had one thing in common. That is our love for the endless sky.

The rest of the walls were painted sky blue. A desk sits parallel to my bed and I have a quick look at my belongings.

On my desk sat a baby pink photo frame with a photograph similar to the one Dean had given me of Melissa and myself. But this one was of Jay and me. I almost puke at the sight and I quickly swap it to the crumbled one of Melissa and me.

I dispose of the other photo by tearing it up to the smallest pieces so it could never be fixed and I fling them out the window. They flew free like birds and I grin. My mother pounds her fist at the door and I wince at each bang.

“Catherine, come out please.” She says firmly

I don’t say anything; just continue to analyze my things. A light blue leather bound book sits on my mahogany desk. It was wrapped with string and I began to unknot it when my mother pounds on the door again.

“What?” I shout

“Please come out.”

I roll my eyes and open the door, but then I return to resume untying the book.

“Catherine will you not be so difficult. I’m trying to be easy on you but you’re not helping.” She frowns.

“I have no interest in been easy when you aren’t my mother.” I smile, as her cheeks flame red.

“Catherine I am sick of your behaviour!” she snaps

I shrug, “Not my problem.”

She stomps out of my room and shuts it with a lovely bang. The string falls softly to the ground as I open the book. Each page is filled with writing. It was buzzing with useful information.

The dog jumps up onto my bed and licks my fingers. I give him a look but he sits staring at me with a grin. Crazy dog can actually smile. I lay the book down to pat him but he quickly grabs the book into his slobby mouth and runs away with it.

“Hey!” I shout running after him.

I round the corner to go down the stairs when I collide with someone. I look up and recognize the blond hair that tumbled over his blue eyes.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2010 ⏰

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