Chapter 16

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  Natsuki's POV:

Where the heck am I? I frowned bitterly as I walked along a long white void. Emptiness is on all sides and with every step I take it just echos.
   "Suki!" Yuri's voice echoes around me, I turn in circles trying to see if I can see her. I grumble when she's nowhere to be  seen.
   "Yuri!!" I call when something brushes against my side I jump to the back to avoid it, but nothing's there.

Odd...this is all so odd...where am I? Where's Yuri?
The moment I ask that question...

  I suddenly see her,  I'm standing in our bedroom,  she's asleep on our bed.

She's clutching the raccoon stuffed animal I bought her on our third year wedding anniversary

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She's clutching the raccoon stuffed animal I bought her on our third year wedding anniversary.  I thought she had shoved that in a box somewhere. She looks so adorable. 

   "Yuri!" I exclaim. Her eyebrows furrow but she doesn't acknowledge me, and when I try to touch her my hand goes straight through her. She shivers whimpering sadly. It sends a pang through my heart and I frown as she tosses and turns.

  "Eh...mmm... Natsuki..." she mutters softly and I try desperately to hold her.  To help her, but my hand floats through her every single time.

   Then her eyes shoot open and she sits up. The raccoon drops to the floor. My Yuri looks so beaten down. Dark circles hang beneath her eyes,  her beautiful violet colored eyes. Tear stains mark her sickly pale cheeks and she looks so thin.

  "Yuri have you been eating?" I demand and she ignores me still oblivious to my presence. She sniffs rubbing her eyes. She swings her legs off the bed.
   "Damn it!" She growls tripping over the raccoon when she tries to stand. She hits the ground with her clenched fist. "Damn it!" She hits the ground again "damn it!" She hits the ground more aggressively  than before as she gets more aggressive "damn it!" She sobs, her voice drains all the venom from it as she curls into herself sobbing.

   "Oh Yuri,  its okay,  don't cry...please don't cry." I beg, kneeling next to her shaking frame, "Yuri I'm right here." I whimper as she shakes with her anguish. "Yuri I'm right here next to you. Can you feel me? " I kept trying to grab her hand, but it frustratingly went through her everytime.

  "MC's gonna take her away...I need you.." Yuri whimpered and I frowned.
  "Yuri..what do you mean?" I question fearfully,  this was so hard.

   "She can't hear you Natsuki. " I whirled stepping back at the sight before me.
   "Honestly Natsuki,  why are you so freaked out? Your nightmares didn't paint us in the best light but do we look like something out of your nightmares right now?"

    "Honestly Natsuki,  why are you so freaked out? Your nightmares didn't paint us in the best light but do we look like something out of your nightmares right now?"

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