What you want?

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Matt was at work. Jay was sitting on the coffee table with a guitar, strumming, and writing in her notebook. She would hum and write things down. She heard someone knock on the door. She put down her guitar, propping it up against the couch. She walks to the door opening it to see Nik standing on the other side. He smiled. She said "Hi, how did you know where I was staying?" He looked into her eyes and saw a perfect angel. He then said "I've known where Matt lived for some time and word around is that you two are cousins." She nodded. 

He smiled and she said "Where are my manners? Come in." He hesitated by the door then walked in. She closed the door behind her and smiled to him. "What are you doing here?" She asked him. He smiled and said "I wanted to see you." she smiled and put a piece of hair behind her ear. She was a shy individual and has been that way for years. He put one finger under her chin and lifted her head so he could look into her eyes. She smiled to him and whispered as she asked "Why?" He smiled and stroked her cheek with his thumb standing only inches from her. If he had wanted to he could compel her to fall in love with him, but what would be the fun in that. That was too cruel in his mind. He couldn't do that to her. He wanted her but only on her terms. He stated "You fascinate me." She smiles again and looks down then back to his eyes. "Can I ask you a question?" She asks then he nods. She then asks "Why when your name is brought up everyone acts weird?" He turns from her putting space between them and states "I'm not the best of guys to be around." She nods. Damon had told her that he was a bad guy and to stay away from him but something in her pulled her toward him and obviously the same went for him. 

He turns to look at her and walks towards her touching her cheek one last time before he said "I need to go." She nodded. She wanted him to stay so badly that it hurt her heart to hear he wanted to leave her. He started walking toward the door and she followed him. He got to the door and turned around. He saw her standing so tense. He went up to her, pushed her against the wall and kissed her with passion and conviction. What surprised him the most is that she had kissed him back. 

Jay felt electricity coarse through her body with every touch he gave her and the kiss made her heart explode. She was kissing him back when the door opened and Matt stepped through the threshold. He turned and saw her and Klaus looking at her with surprise. Matt asked "Klaus how did you get in?" He stated without looking away "Jay let me in." Klaus turned and left the house with her on his mind. 

Matt went up to Jay and asked "Why did you let him in?" Jay shrugged her shoulders and went to the living room to pick up her guitar and notebook that she wrote her songs in. Matt stopped her before she went into her room "I don't want you seeing him Jay. He is bad news." She turned to him and said "Well it's a good thing I don't care what you want, ain't it?" She entered her room and slammed the door.

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