2 | The Abyss

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My heart skipped a bit at the familiar sound of his name, the other words linked in the sentence, too, soon registered in my mind."... Daniel's suicide..." Those two words were all it took to have my head spinning and my surroundings blurred, the earth beneath began to sway as my head began to feel lighter and lighter. My feet turned into noodles and couldn't keep my body up any longer, before my body could hit the hard cold side walk I felt it fall into someone's arms. Oh, Daniel, how I love that you're always there. Then the darkness took me.


"Amandla... Amandla... Amandla," a familiar masculine voice called. I opened my eyes to find Daniel sitting at the far corner of my bed, my legs on his lap and his hands gently massaging my feet. "Hey, sleeping beauty," he smiled a wide smile, his white teeth shining in the sunlight, almost blinding but beautiful.

"Hey," I said back, his contagious smile having had already plastered itself on my face. "Wasn't sleeping beauty woken up with a true love's kiss?" I inquired, hoping he would notice my subtle way of begging to be kissed.

"Well I would never kiss a lady without her consent or knowledge. What kind of guy do you take me for?" he asked grabbing his shirt, dramatising his hurt. "Shame on you," he said before dramatically turning and facing the other direction, away from me and towards the door.

"Oh Romeo, Oh Romeo," I began playing on with him. "Will thou not forgive me?" I sat up and held his arm. "Please."

"You deserve to be punished," he said before quickly pinning my back onto the bed, causing a giggle to escape my lips. It faded away as I raised my head to look up at him, his large body hovered over mine preventing me from escaping his embrace. He brought his lips to my neck, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise and my back to quickly arc up. "Are you sorry... really sorry?" he seductively whispered into my ear, his breath causing mine to hitch and once more sending a jolt of goose bumps across my body.

"P-Plea-Please," I begged as his kisses began to slowly progress lower away from my neck. He trapped my legs between his before lifting my upper body to pull off the top of my pyjamas. I shut my eyes as a moan escaped my lips as his hands gently caressed my naked chocolate skin. He placed his lips on the pit of my neck and began to slowly go down; as his lips lowered down to my diaphragm one of his hands teased my erect breast as the held the wall for support. His kisses soon reached my waist. He gently pulled down my shorts, revealing my light pink underwear; he gave it a light kiss and pulled my shorts back up.

"I forgive you," he said before lightly pecking my forehead and getting off me. My body was left bare, begging o be touched, craving to be touched, aching and hungry and itwanted him to fill it. I traced my hands over my body, where his touch was still fresh and could still be felt, which was almost all over my body.

"What... why?"

"You don't want me to forgive you?" he asked looking confused.

"I mean why did you stop?"

He looked at me and smiled, this time it wasn't cute and it was actually kind of a smirk and it turned me on, "that was your punishment."

"That's not fair," I cried. "You should be the one getting punished, I am not the one who refused to kiss my girlfriend," I folded my arms.

"How about you go shower and... um... we will go for a walk?" he suggested.

"I hate loving you," I growled as I stomped my way to the shower.

I entered the shower and opened the taps for a while, letting them reach the temperature I wanted. After a few seconds it's reached an almost perfect temperature, warm but leaning closer to the hot side. I stepped in and a sigh escaped my lips as the water crashed onto my body, slowly trickling down my thighs and raising thoughts that sent my heart beat racing.

I quickly showered and walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. "Daniel?" I called when I noticed he was not in my room. 'His probably having breakfast with my parents,' I thought. I quickly changed into a blue floral track suit and pulled on a pair of white running shoes.

I jogged down the stairs, taking them two steps at a time. I reached the bottom floor, in the kitchen was my father and in the living room was my mother but no sign of Daniel. "Hey sweetie," they both said in unison causing them to giggle as if they had just shared an inside joke.

"Where is Daniel?" I asked looking around the house, their laughs soon faded and a look of worry replaced it.

"Who is Daniel?" my mother asked.

"You know him mom, my boyfriend," I said anxiety taking over.

"Um... honey, uh... your mother's not here and you don't have a boyfriend," he worriedly said. "Or is this your way of telling me that you have a boyfriend?" I looked back to where my mother was sitting earlier but there was no one, just an empty couch and a television that was playing... static?

"But..." I turned to face my father but he too had vanished. "Dad!" I called. "Dad!" I repeated, this time tears where flooding out and then suddenly everything disappeared. I was in a dark void, an abyss, filled with nothing. Somehow I was standing on a surface; it didn't feel like the wooden floor of our house or the ground outside, it was actually unfamiliar to me.

My heart suddenly started to race as the darkness crawled up my body, slowly engulfing me. I watched as it fully covered the body parts I could see before there was nothing!


"Amandla?" a male voice called as I opened my eyes.

"Daniel?" I asked before pulling him into a hug.

"Um... I'm not Daniel," the guy who I had just hugged who wasn't Daniel said. "I'm Trevor."

Then I saw the brown shoulder length dread locks and knew I wasn't safe!

Author's Note

hey guys... so this is different, an almost sex scene that is so weird, who is this guy. lol. anyway I'm so sorry for the late update, i'll make it up to y'all but please do not stop reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2019 ⏰

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