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This is my very first time posting a story ever, so I'm really nervous about the results. Also, I'm not the best at grammar so please don't expect the best-written thing ever.

As for the story, I had this in mind for years so I know how everything is going to go. An important thing to note you don't have to read this prologue because it was originally going to be a flashback scene later in the story, but I think that would have made the pacing really bad. However, I don't want to get rid of it either. Anyways please enjoy and more info on the story will be on the next chapter. 

Xaritie Rigma

People often say that if you follow your dreams you can achieve anything; the sky is the limit. However, not everyone thinks in that positive mindset; that mindset that drives them to push their boundaries. It is not because they think they are not incapable, it's the fact that some just don't see the point in trying. Why put all that effort when there are literally thousands of people who can do the same thing, so why would one more make a difference?

Ruby Orm is one of those people.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! "Grrrph wha- what," Ruby mumbled, as she was getting up from her bed thanks to her alarm clock next to her ear. Ruby went through the motions of getting ready for school; before she went to the kitchen for breakfast, Ruby checked herself in the mirror on her drawer. Same old red hair tied in a ponytail, same old 5'2 little on the skinny side stature (as she tells herself that), and of course same old glowing yellow eyes?

"What the hell?" Ruby said in shock, as she'd rubbed her eyes to see if her minds were playing tricks on her. They weren't. "D-did I put any contacts on last night, or am I coming down with something sever?" Before Ruby has time to even think about that she heard her phone went off getting her out of her train of thoughts. She looked at the caller ID and it said, Natalia.

"H-hey Nat can I call you back in a little bit I'm 'occupied' right now," Ruby answered, hoping that her friend will listen.

"Okay, but what's going on are you hurt?" Natalia replied.

"It's that I... I need to figure out something on my own real quick k?"

"K, but Ruby I – "

"I'll tell you about on our way to school, just for now let me think for a minute."

"Okay okay I hear you, see you in a few," Natalia said, in a slightly disappointed voice and hung up.

"Alright now let's see," Ruby sighed, as she examines her eyes for another ten minutes before giving up on how she even got them to turn yellow. In the end, she just left her eyes alone hoping that it will just turn back to normal eventually, and if not then oh well, this is not the worst thing that could happen to her after all. With this new mindset, Ruby decided to head to the kitchen for some breakfast.

And just like every morning, her father isn't here to greet her. Ruby has nothing against her father; ever since her mother died when she was 6 her father has been working triple time to make sure she was taken care of. That, unfortunately, came with her father hardly being here in the apartment with her, especially when it comes to nights when she desperately misses her mother. But now is not the time to think about that; it has been ten years since that event and her father has been doing his best to make her happy, the least she can do is graduate and find a job so she can watch over herself and give her old man time to rest.

"It's the least I can do," Ruby said to herself, as she found a box of Cheerios and chowed down.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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