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Kenny sat in his patio chair, grunting as Toni bounced up and down on his penis. He grabbed her waist, pulling her up and down faster. She sped up as she tightened her walls around him.

All of this was probably a terrible idea but they didn't care. They needed each other and had pressure to release. Without even thinking they were having unprotected sex. They didn't give two fucks about the results of the tests.

"It's about to be a cream pie." Toni held on to Kenny tighter as she felt him release inside of her. She began to shiver as she felt herself release. Kenny picked her up and held her over his lap. They both watched as the mixture of their juices flowed out of Toni.

After getting dressed Toni received a surprised phone call from Samantha. It had been weeks since she had reached out to Toni. Toni ignored her phone call and rolled over and stared up at Kenny.

"What?" Kenny kept his eyes glued to the tv as he intertwined his fingers with Toni. He finally looked down to see her sleeping.

Samantha screamed out in frustration as she called Toni for the 54th time. Her phone went from ringing then straight to voicemail. Samantha knew exactly who she was with and grew even angrier.

Samantha looked at the new test results for Kenny. It took forever to find the specific diseases but she did. She listened closely to the receptionist call Kenny and deliver the bad news. The receptionist pulled the phone slightly from her ear as Kenny yelled. Samantha couldn't make out what he was saying exactly but she knew it wasn't words of joy.

Her plan was working for the most part. In order to get back cool with Toni she had to just see her somewhere. It would be an innocent, planned meetup and Samantha knew where to see her.

Samantha decided to take a trip to her 2nd parents home on her lunch break. She was pulled into a tight embrace by Evelyn as the front door opened wide.

Sam went into the house telling a complete lie. She had went ghost on Toni because she was jealous. Of course she told Evelyn different. Sam made it seem that Toni changed on her prompting Evelyn to believe Kenny was behind it. She didn't want her daughter to be controlled by anyone especially a man.

Samantha smiled brightly as she drove away once again checking a goal off on her notepad. She knew Evelyn very well and got every reaction she needed out of her. It wouldn't be long before Toni and Kenny wouldn't be a couple anymore.

Evelyn paced the floor as her thoughts ran wild. Her baby was being forced, manipulated and controlled by Kenny. Toni would never had flaked on Sam if he wasn't in the picture. She shook her head in disgust thinking about how she almost approved of their love.

Evelyn grabbed her purse and keys before leaving. She was heading to her child's home to put some sense in her head. She sped down the road ready to fight if she had too.

After 3 more rounds of lovemaking Kenny and Toni laid cuddled up on her sofa. Sitting on the coffee table in front of them was a Plan B and a bottle of water.

"So are you going to be my baby mama slash wife or not?" Kenny asked breaking the silence. Toni pondered on the thought. Would bringing a baby into this equation at this moment be a good idea? "We could go to Vegas and elope." Kenny suggested.

"You mean it?" Toni lit up like fireworks. She always dreamed of her wedding day in the sense of it happening. Her father spoiled her so much so she got bored with the huge parties and all eyes being on her.

"Of course I mean it. We're both grown, legal adults that care about each other. If this fails, hell at least we tried. But I have faith in us and that's all that we need."

With that everything was set. Toni and Kenny had booked the flight and the suite. All they had to do was wait on the date to come up.

"I love you." The said in unison. Just as Kenny was about to take his oversized shirt off of Toni her doorbell rung. Suddenly frantic beatings and pounding on the door emerged.

Toni went up and looked through her peephole. Seeing her mother she walked back to her seat. Kenny looked at her before going to answer the door.

"You son of a bitch!" Evelyn yelled before slapping Kenny. Kenny grabbed his cheek in pain backing up in the process. She continued to charge at him taking  swings and kicking Kenny.

"Mom stop, stop hitting him!" Toni yelled as she pulled her mother back. She finally stepped in front of her mother getting her full attention. "Calm down."

"I will do no such thing! His old ass is using you! You will not use my child as a sex object!" Evelyn yelled.

"What the fuck? I would never use Toni I truly love her." Kenny pleaded but Evelyn wasn't hearing it. "I think it'll be best if I leave." Kenny walked out quickly.

"No Kenny don't go." Toni called behind him but he never looked back. Toni turned to her mother who had a look of satisfaction her face. "I am not a little girl anymore. I know exactly what I'm doing. I will be with him and there's nothing you can do about it."

Before she knew it Toni's head shifted from the slap her face received from her mother. Toni wanted to cry but she couldn't. Her mother and her never got along so this wasn't unexpected.

"GET OUT!" Toni yelled as her mother tried to comfort her. Evelyn was shocked as she was trying to come up with a way to explain her actions. She eventually just left knowing that she had fucked up.

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