❦ chapter three

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ABIGAIL WOKE UP WITH A BAD FEELING. Usually, she did not pay mind to her morning intuitions, but this one was particularly strong. She tried to shake it off as she dressed for school. It stayed in the pit of her stomach like a stone.

She headed to the bathroom, turning the handle only for the door to be slammed shut.

"Fuck off." Her second oldest brother, Mo, said, locking the door as if to prove a point. "I still got to take a shower."

"I'm going to be late if you take a twenty minute shower." Abigail hisses, pounding on the door. She swears she can hear Mo snicker from inside.

"Well too bad so sad, idiot." He teases in Spanish.

Abigail is very tired already, and she does not need Mo's shit today. She clears her voice, readying it's use for her power.

"But it's so hot and stuffy in there. You can already feel the air suffocating you." She says, feeling her ability twist into her voice like a vine, "You better get out of there before your lungs collapse."

She hears a few pants from the bathroom, before the doorknob is violently twisted open. Mo grabs his knees and bends over, coughing into the floor.

"Are you okay?" She asks in a monotone voice.

"Yeah—" he coughs loudly, his chest heaving up and down, "just—" another cough erupts from his lungs, "need some air."

"I'm going in the bathroom." She says.

"Yeah," Mo waves her off, still coughing into the floor, "Whatever. Do what you want."

Smirking to herself, Abigail does exactly what she planned to do. The mirror is dirty from Mo spraying his Axe body whatever, and so she grabs a towel and cleans it off. After brushing her hair, applying mascara and concealer on her nation of blackheads, she exits the bathroom.

Her parents were already at work, and her two other brothers had probably already walked to school. Hector, because he was a weirdo who liked being early. Calderon because elementary started at 7:30, rather then the 8:00 Abigail's high school did.

Abigail never really liked her parents, mostly because of their favoritism (at least in her eyes) towards Maxon. But one choice the parents made that all the siblings genuinely did not approve of was their names. There were normal names like Abigail and Hector, then there was Estanislao, Maxon and Calderon.

Maxon was something Abigail did not like. He was not a human, he was a thing, always hanging above her, always out of reach. Every time she thought she might surpass him, he always rose a little higher. He rose a tiny bit, barley noticeable to anyone except her, but he was always still better. She had repressed any personality traits her brother might have. She liked to only remember him as a rival. It made it easier.

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