Chapter 27

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Natalia's POV

I was not in a good mood. At all. Like, I'm going to slap you if you upset me. 

"Bye Nattie!" the annoying voice called behind me as I left the room. Queen B Valentina was here "visiting"Neymar, because she thought he was "sick". The girl couldn't be any faker. I hated her from the moment she "accidentally" threw her iPhone at me. Yeah you remember her now. Unfortunately, she's taken a liking to Neymar and it seems as though he likes her as well. Great. Just fantastic. Wow Natalia do you hear yourself, you sound like a jealous ex-wife. I groaned in annoyance as my phone rang over and over again, adding to the pounding in my head. 

Caller ID: MOM

MOM. I stared at the word as it stared back at me. There, on my screen, in all of its obnoxious glory. Disgusting. Let's just pretend we missed her call, shall we?

Time to get crackin' on this case, I thought to myself, rushing up to my room. Post-its and little handwritten notes were scattered across the case board as I tried to figure out who was trying to murder Neymar. With the help of my friends back at Quantico, I managed to clear some things up, eliminating the unlikely possibilities. 



"Your phone's blowing up like crazy!"

"Leave it!"

"It's annoying!"

"Turn it off!"

"Can you just come get it?!"

I growled under my breath, stomping to my door and swinging it open. He could've just turned it off, but nooooo! He had to make me come all the way and turn it off. Jeez. Damn, I'm salty. 

"What the hell do you want?"

"Hey, I just asked to turn off the phone."

I glared at him, shaking my head. 

"What's wrong with you today? PMSing?"

Oh, you did not just go there. 

"Excuse me?"

"You're like a bull with steam coming out of your ears."

"Yeah you're up there sucking faces with Valencia an-"

"It's Valentina."

"Whatever, the point is you're screwing around while I'm here trying to save your ass."

"Well, that's your job. Stop being so controlling."

Boy, you have crossed the line. Actually scratch that, you freaking leaped over it.  

Neymar's POV

I clenched the steering wheel of my Audi tightly as I drove through the hustle and bustle of the 3rd arrondissement of Paris. I was angry and frustrated. Why did she have to be so stubborn? I'm grown man. I know how to take care of myself. The words from our argument just ringing in my head.

"You can't control who I hangout with and who I don't."

"I'm not trying to!"

"Then why can't you just let me be for even a second?"

"Because it's my job to keep you safe!"

"That doesn't mean you follow me around everywhere! You're so clingy!"

"I am not clingy! I'm trying to HELP you!"

"Well I don't need your help so you can leave."

She stood there staring at me with a look of disbelief on her face.

"I said leave!" I shouted in her face, making her flinch.

I cursed under my breath as I realized how harsh I was. I hadn't realized that the light had turned green until a car behind me honked. I sped up, going over the speed limit in the narrow, pebbled street. The revving of my car definitely catching the attention of people out dining on the terraces of the many brasseries that lined the streets. I was so caught up in my anger that I unconsciously pressed harder on the gas. My car neared 90 kmh without me noticing. A car loomed behind me in my rear view mirror. Something clicked in my mind as I remembered the words Natalia had said to me nearly 4 months ago. The black Citroën. My heart beat accelerated as I added pressure to the accelerator. I neared the outskirts of Paris and the roads emptied out. The car pulled up beside me, rolling down the window. I barely had time to take a single breathe before the glass window shattered. My car swerved to the right and I felt a sharp sting in my leg. A sharp ringing noise flooded my ears. I let out a groan as the vibrations from my head resided. My vision was completely screwed up and everything looked like I was underwater. What the fuck? I thought looking out the window. Since when did grass grow from the sky

Finally, I realised that the car was upside down along with me. I patted around trying to find my phone in my cup holder. But it wasn't there. I sat there for a whole 5 minutes trying to think of what I was going to do. The seat belt cut into my stomach as I pressed up against it from the ceiling. My apple watch. I frantically tapped on my watch and dialed 112. The police told me that it would take at least 20 minutes before anyone could reach me. A heavy rush of tiredness came over me and I felt my eyes getting heavy. My ears picked up the faint crunch of gravel and a pair of familiar converse appeared in front of me. Her voice sounded muffled, as if a pillow was placed over my ears.

"Neymar! Neymar!"she called. "Keep your eyes open!"

But I couldn't. Not this time.

"Oh merde, this is all my fault."

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