My heart was beating fast
As I walked towards you
I thought I'm home at last
What a beautiful view

Your eyes then looked away
You couldn't say a thing
Took time for you to say
"Don't keep this fancy ring"

I can't believe my self
Staring at my closed fist
With two rings from a shelf
On a night of pure bliss

I wanted to ask why
Yet I'm scared to do so
My faith in us was high
While yours was very low

Teary eyes and trembling hands
I sighed, I smiled, I lied
And said "I understand"
Hoping you'd change your mind

"Goodbye and thank you, dear"
I forced to close my eyes
This is the thing I fear
A warm hug of goodbye

How ironic indeed
To have this very place
From which we planted seeds
The place we should erase

You were here, standing tall
From the day we first met
Now you're there, looking small
As the sun starts to set

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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