Chapter 5 | Le Monde

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I got out of the car slowly as Zane dropped me off at my house. I wasn't able to drive my car that his workers brought back for me in this state of mind. I was comforted but I was still in a shock which was why he brought me to my penthouse and not the family one. I even texted my mom that I'd be going back there so she wouldn't worry.

I turn to see that he had gotten out of the car as well and walked over beside me. I opened the door with my pass code and walked inside. He too walked inside but I told him,

"I'll be fine from here. I just...I just need time by myself."

He looked me in the eyes for what felt like a while and said,

"Don't forget to call me when you feel like you need something. OK?"

I nodded and sniffed while looking down at my hands and started to remove my rings, placing them on the counter of the kitchen. He soon headed out the door and left and I closed the door behind him.

I decided to wash up since that usually helps me when I'm stressed but I decided on a bath since that would help with what I just went through.

Once I prepared the water, I slowly went in and sat down, leaning on the support and letting the hot water engulf my body.

I thought long and hard and let everything process in the meantime. The more I thought, the more I realized how much I opened up in front of a man I barely know and even showed him a side to me that was weak and helpless. I even let him touch me and hold me in his arms which is what made me feel uncomfortable. Everything about him, the things he does, the way I am around him, everything made me feel that way. Was I really starting to change? Or is this what they call the growth of feelings towards someone else?

After taking my bath, I took a short shower and went out to wear comfortable clothes that I already set up for myself. And literally, my day went about reading the Qur'an and everything started to go blank and dark afterward.


I jerked my head to the right at the sound of my phone ringing. I slowly opened my eyes, feeling numb all over my head and entire back and barely lifted myself up to respond to the call. Let's not forget that I forgot to look at the caller ID too.


"Get ready. I'm on my way to pick you up."

Immediately, I recognized his voice and replied,

"Get ready for what?"

"We're scheduled for an interview today by Le Monde."

I groaned and hung up dragging myself to my room to go and pick out appropriate clothes for the interview. Le Monde was one of France's biggest news outlets and for me to go out there and embarrass myself wearing something simple just wasn't going to do. So, I went for a little fancy look.

Just as I was about to put my shoes on, I heard the ringing of the doorbell and walked over to look through the front camera to see that Zane had arrived and he was dressed quite fancy if I do say so myself. 

What am I saying? Come to your senses Iman.

Brushing away my thoughts, I opened the door and welcomed him inside but before he even made a step, he eyed me up and down and soon went on to looking me in the eyes for a long time. It's become one of his habits. It's not like they were some sort of special color or anything...

"Are you ready?" He cleared his throat and that question didn't even come out as one so I think I'll call it a demand.

"Yeah, I just need my purse." With that, I rushed down the hall and into my closet to pick out one that matched the outfit and made sure to transfer everything from my old bag.

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