I Still Love You...

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(CeCe's pov)

"The father of Charles Duncan is... Charles Trippy!"

"I told you Charles!"

"What do I tell Alli?"

"I don't care what you tell you but you know what. Be with Alli. I will raise Chaz to be a trippy but not to know who his father is. You left me for Alli because you though I cheated on drunk night we ha together! I had to do this by myself I am I gonna continue to do it by myself! Goodbye Charles Trippy."

"But CeCe... I love you... I wanna help raise Chaz. I wanna watch Chaz try to walk for the first time and to walk across the stage when he graduates high school. I wanna move him in when he goes to collage. I wanna be here threw it all."

"What about all the trouble I went threw with trying to get you to understand that it's your kid?"

"I wanna forget that. I was an asshole and I am sorry but I still love you and I wanna be there for you."

"I don't know Char-" Was I could say before Charles lips crashed in to mine. I didn't hold back. I kissed him right back. I love him.

"I love you Charles and I love Chaz. Let me be there for him. Let me brake it off with Alli. Please CeCe."

"I don't know Charles. Just go home to Alli and think about it."

(Charles pov)

"Okay You need sleep anyways." I kiss her head and Chaz head. I walk out of her room and to the car. I get in and drive home.

Once I get home I am created by Alli and the girls.

"Char! There you are! Where have you been and why are you home so late? It's 1am!"

"CeCe gave birth today."

"Oh great." She said rolling her eyes.

"And we know oh the father is..."

"That's awesome! We can now live are life together and not have to worry about CeCe and he kid fucking it all up! This is amazing news Char!"

"Alli... He's mine..."

"What? but you guys never had sex?"

"We both got drunk when we were dating and we went home..."

"So what if the kids yours! Were having one!"

"Alli? We never had sex. I knew for a fact! I was with CeCe or the guys for the last nine months. We never hooked up and the guys and the doctors said I can't drink for a while. How the kid mine?" I asked her.


"You cheated on me Alli? How could you? I can't believe you! I knew I shouldn't have let you back in to my life. We you left that should have been the end! Now I am the one ending it all! I want you out Alli!"

"But Charles..."

"DON'T CHARLES ME! I WANT YOU'RE ASS OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I snapped. I was so stressed. I blacked out.


Charles is the father!


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