I Can't Sleep.

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(Charles pov)

I can't sleep. I look over at Alli's spot. I miss her. I start crying as I grab my phone. I call CeCe.


"CeCe I can't sleep. Why did you she leave! I love her." I start crying over the phone to CeCe.

"Hold on."

"Okay talk to me."

"I miss her."

"I know you do Char."

"She deserves better."

"No she doesn't."

"Did she ever love me?"

"Of course she did."

"Did she use me?"

"No never. What would she use you for anyways? I bought you food in high school most of the time." She said. I chuckle a little. Shes and amazing friend she can always make me laugh.

(CeCe's pov)

"No never. What would she use you for anyways? I bought you food in high school most of the time." I said. I hear Charles chuckle.

"Charles would you feel better not sleeping in the house?" I asked


"Okay then I will come get you."

"Sorry to call you at 3am did I wake you?" He asked.

"No I was watching movies." I said. I hear Charles giggle a little. We talk for a little more.

"Okay Charles I am here."

"Okay." We hung up and I walked to the door. Charles came and opened the door. He was a wreak. I gave him a huge hug and we left.

"Charles do you need anything?" I asked getting in to my car.

"My camera,phone, laptop, phone charger and my ipad."

"Okay any clothing?" I asked. He just nodded. I grabbed my key and walked back in to the house. I grabbed a backpack and up everything in it. I feel really bad for Charles. He doesn't need this! He has seizures. Who's gonna be there for him when it happens? Charles can't make a fucking phone call when he has a seizure. She adds to his stress and makes the chance to have a seizure higher.

Once I am done I go back to my car to find Charles asleep. He looks so perfect. CeCe stop! Your over him and you moved on! But I can't! I get in the car and start to drive.

Once I get home I wake Charles.

"Char. Where here at my house."

"I don't wanna sleep alone." He groans.

"Wanna sleep in my bed with me?" I ask. He nods and starts crying. he gets out and I give him a hug. He sobs on my shoulder.

"It's okay." I say.

After some time we pull away and we walk to my room. I give him some basket ball shorts and he goes shirtless. I grab my short purple shorts and I wear the shirt I have on now. I walk over to the bed we get in. Charles is in and asleep. He still looks really cute when he sleeps.

(Charles pov)

I got in to CeCes bed and tried to sleep. I heard the bathroom door open and she looks so amazing. She got in to bed and she went to sleep. I was still wake. I pulled CeCe closer to me. I need someone to hold at night. Charles Paul Trippy stop it! Your wife just left you! You can't move on this fast! I know you still love her!

I slowly went to sleep.


New Chapter!


I hope you guys like this!






-Renee <3

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