Chapter One

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The sun was shining bright in the sky it was kind of hurting my eyes. I looked around Darla wasn't anywhere to be found, Nancy must have taken her for a ride. I started to pace the fence the state that Darla was in last night meant she couldn't go out like she was. She could collapse, I started to pace more getting worried Darcy walked out at that point, she saw me pacing and no Darla around, she seamed a little angry but worried. She walked over to me, I stopped pacing and whinnied at her, she examined me and I noticed she had a few bruises and red marks.

I felt pain shoot through my legs as Nancy mounted. Her legs went on with so much pressure, I took of scared more than anything. My breathing was quick I had sweat starting to drip but she wanted me to keep going, even if my breathing sounded like it had a little wouse.

" we need to talk " I said to Nancy
" we have nothing to talk about" she said in a sharp angry tone.
" we have plenty to talk about" I said keeping my tone soft.
" you don't know when to shut-up do you?" She said in a very quick and angry tone getting closer to me.
" you can't expected Darla to work this early when she was worked late last night" I said
" I can do what I want, now leave me alone" she was getting more angry by the second.
" please Nancy don't take Darla out " I said
" she better than your perfetic horse" she was standing near me now
" Pandora is wonderful not perfetic " I said still keeping my voice calm. With that Nancy was really annoyed and she hit me in the arm and on the side of the cheek, I was quite from then and Nancy left to go ride Darla, I wanted to go after her but not this early it was too early for Pandora to be ridden.

I wondered where Darcy had got the red marks and bruises from were they from Nancy. She spoke to me in a calm an gentle tone " sorry girl but were riding today, Nancy has gone out on Darla and i'm worried about them". I nicked and Darcy fetched my grooming kit and groomed my back, where the girth goes. She combed my mane and some of my tail and then she hoof picked out the dirt from my feet.

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