Beginning of the saga

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My name is Bunny and i am the gold lord of dragons. This is my story of how i am going to take revenge of the death of my parents who were 7 including my own brother, Sam . I can shape shift myself into human

So from where i should begin my story. Well, my story neither have a good beginning nor a good ending.

So, it was the day before my coronation in the D-world, where my ancestors have ruled over dragons from centuries and protecting them from the evils .

In the palace, in my room, Gwen entered with a wide grin spread over her face. She was always cheeky, mad and crazy but she also made my day. I love her with my life.

Wasn't ever brother do that for his sis ?

Gwen,  who is my young sis said," so bro, how does it feel to become like dad . I mean ruling over the D-world "  Also, She was always that cheerful, everytime  talking with energy.

I replied with a slight shrug," Well, i just can't explain what i am feeling right now." i mean i was scared a lot but who was going to tell them ? I mean the whole dragon empire will be under my control and all the authorities, this and that made me hell scared.

Meanwhile this our parents arrived, my dad, Damon, Dragon lord and my mom, Terra, Serpent queen. Yeah, i know that you might be thinking that why didn't a dragon married with another one. Well, i don't know how well i can explain but our family believe that we can marry other breed. We were not bound to do that. Also, my parents were not the very first who were an example of cross breed marriage.

They both were seemed to be so happy that can be seen on their faces.

My dad," Before the coronation i just want to give a final work "
I replied," what is it dad ??"
He said," I need u and Gwen to go with Pat, Brian and Stacy to planet earth and get some metals from there"

I wish that i shouldn't said yes at that time coz that metals costs all of us so much

On our return from earth, we saw that all of our parents were brutually killed. That thunderstruck all of us.

Suddenly, i noticed one of our soldiers was taking last breath. So i hurriedly asked him," who did this?!?!?"
He replied," They were 7 dark entities who did this , including Sam( who is my young brother )"
He also added that they had planned to explode the D- world by planting a bomb in the core of the planet.

So, i have just some minutes or so to have my coronation because if i don't then i won't be able to inherite the gold lords powers which will help me to take the revenge of my parents and our loved ones death.

We did my coronation in a huge hurry and then we leave in such a rush from our planet. We departed in the same ship which we used to go there.

All of us were facing a big loss and i actually don't remember what we all were doing when we were in the ship.

Then i heard that something had hit us so badly that we lose control of our ship.

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