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Harry's POV

   I wracked my brain for an idea on how to cure her. A world without Ginny loving me  is a world I don't want to live in. Then I thought of it. In The Princes book it said something about love potion antidotes. I rushed her to the potions room then stopped. Snape. All this time I had been thinking about me when this man sacrificed himself for me. I laid her on the ground. Tears flooded my eyes. He loved her, so much that he took care of me, even though I was also the son of the man he hated. And now, because of me- he's gone. I came to my knees and the tears flew in faster.

          "Mate?" A voice I recognized sounded behind me. I couldn't deal with so many emotions at once.

"Don't call me that! Ginny told me what you said. I'm not safe enough to be around? Well then why don't I leave! Or better yet, why doesn't everyone just leave me alone!" I thought it would make him leave, but far from it. He knelt next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. And I let the rest of my tears out.

    "I'm sorry. You should be able to make your own choices, and so should she. But, try to take it slow alright? She is my baby sister after all." I nodded in agreement. This whole time Ron hadn't noticed Ginny's knocked out  body on the floor, which was lucky for me  because I didn't have to explain it.

     Ginny got up and looked at Harry, then Ron,then Harry again. "Harry what happened!" She looked into my eyes, holding my  face them kissed me. I saw Ron next to us and pulled away. She had a look of alarm on her face.

  "Don't you forgive me? Who cares what he thinks! We can do  whatever we want!" I didn't agree with Ron all the way, or Ginny.

  " I've forgiven him and he's said he's sorry but to take it easy with you. And I think, he's right." She nodded then turned to Ron, her face directly towards his.

  " And you! Well, you're lucky Harry is so nice, because if he wasn't I  wouldn't hesitate to curse you into oblivion!" She said. Making  Ron have a  bit of a scared look.

  "Well, that was pleasant" Ron said and we all chuckled.

In Your Arms~HinnyWhere stories live. Discover now