45 - femogfyrre

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colewilliams: I need you, come visit again soon x @seaveydaniel

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colewilliams: I need you, come visit again soon x @seaveydaniel

19.434 likes and 21.232 comments

user1: oh wow.

user2: seriously Daniel?

user3: daniels is the biggest hoe omg.

seaveydaniel: Stop acting like we're together.
- colewilliams: don't deny your feelings for me honey.
- seaveydaniel: stop calling me that C.
- colewilliams: see you still have feelings for me. 
- seaveydaniel: i fucking dont.
- colewilliams: why are you still calling me C, insted of cole then?

corbynbesson: oh- 


sooo, this story has really taken a turn lol, and I have to go to a birthday party thingy today, so idk how much im gonna update today.

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