TSON - Names

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In the end it turned out that by Percy, Axelia, Hazel and Frank Reyna meant Axelia.

When Reyna came in less annoyed than Axelia thought she would be, Axelia immediately jumped up from her seat.

Reyna simply sat down into the seat next to the one Axelia had been sitting in and yanked her arm so she fell back onto her seat.

Axelia didn't know why but Reyna seemed to really trust her judging by the fact that Axelia and Aurum and Argentum got on really well. Although Axelia wasn't really sure seeing as Reyna's wolves didn't really get along with anyone else so she couldn't be sure Reyna trusted her. Axelia definitely trusted Reyna though - she'd even told her her biggest secret and Reyna had told her about her father.

Reyna began to speak "That was amazing. I can't believe you managed to beat Octavian"

Axelia had been slowly growing redder and redder as Reyna continued. Around most people Axelia would have murmured a thanks and thrown herself at her current task more vigorously but Reyna brought out a different side of her. It was starting to show more often around Hazel and Frank and most of her friends at CHB had seen it. Instead of looking away, Axelia actually responded

"Oh you think so?"

Reyna replied instantly "Yeah Axia that was awe-inspiring"

Axelia now Axia blushed despite herself "Axia?"

Reyna turned red too "I'm sorry - it just slipped out - I'll call you Axelia sorry" Axelia could detect a hint of sadness in her words.

"It's all right as long as I get to call you Rey" Axelia really did not want to make Reyna sad.

Reyna - Rey smiled at her before her expression morphed into a more serious one. She got up and started pacing. Axelia became slightly anxious. Rey only paced when something bad was happening.

"What's going on?" Axelia asked concernedly.

"Octavian has been seeing things in his auguries." Rey was open enough around Axelia to express a tone of dislike in her voice for Octavian.

"What kind of things? Armies? Monsters? Giants? Titans? Vengeful minor go-" Axelia's babbling was sharply cut of by Rey's quick "stop". Axelia was not offended. She knew she babbled.

"The auguries show a great army marching south led by a giant."

Axelia knew it couldn't be Alyconeus because he would not leave Alaska. But if it wasn't Alyconeus who was it? Rey didn't know so now they had to deal with two giants and a huge army. They were so screwed.

"You remember my sister Hylla?" Rey asked.

Axelia and Hylla had iris-messaged before irregularly so her and Hylla were at least acquaintances if not friends. Axelia hadn't heard from Hylla since the Olympians went silent. Why was Rey asking about her?

"Has something happened?" Axelia asked anxiously. She knew Hylla could take care of herself but Axelia was a worrier.

"No. Nothing has happened" Axelia understood the double meaning behind Rey's words. Hylla hadn't contacted her sister either since the Olympians fell silent.

"Where is she again? Seattle?" If she was Axelia understood.

"Yes." Rey replied. "It's on the way. I want to check on her."

"Sure." Axelia responded. It would be nice to see Hylla again.

"But what about Percy? She'll kill him on sight." Axelia fretted.

"Don't worry about that" Rey said "I have it covered."

Axelia realised it was time to go. She walked towards the door. Just before she reached it Rey called "Send Percy in after you."

Rey hesitated for a moment before coming over and wrapping Axelia in a warm hug. Axelia was completely shocked. She had never seen Rey have physical contact with anyone let alone give someone a hug. Nevertheless she hugged back and the two just enjoyed it for a while.

Their moment was cut short however when Axelia got a glimpse of the time. She dashed out of the door - not before giving Rey a friendly kiss on the cheek.

In case you haven't read TSON and even if you have between this chapter and the next Reyna gives Percy a ring to show Hylla. That is all. Forget about what the book says - just Hylla and the ring.

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