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I crawled out of my tent and sat down next to the fire pit, prepping it so we could light a fire. Jynx was sharpening sticks and talking to Ryze whilst doing so. And Forsythe was "sorting" our gear. He pisses me off, coming in here like he owns the place, and clearly he has a thing for Jynx, meaning more competition than just Ryze...

I gritted my teeth through the pain of my cheek. Its the middle of the bloody zombie Apocalypse and I'm trying to get a girl. I have the worst priorities, but so do the other two. Only Jynx has her priorities straight. Ryze should be more torn up about Kaylee, I'm shocked how quickly he moved on...

I sighed and started paying my attention back to the job at hand. I touched my face slightly, I hoped nothing would come of it. I looked up to Jynx and Ryze, not that they needed me anyway. Ryze could drive and calm Jynx down. Forsythe had first aid skills. Jynx is the bravest and best at fighting. What do I do? I have a big anime sword and that's it.

I stood up. I needed to walk to clear my head. Grabbing my sword I began walking.

"I'm going on lookout!" I called.

"Ok. Be safe!" I heard Jynx call. I looked back at her and smiled.

I continued walking. I wasn't expecting a reply. My face ached, but I couldn't help but smile. If only it wasn't the end of the world, she almost makes me forget that everyone is dying.

"Hey Jayce, wait up!" I heard Ryze call.

I turned to look at him. "What's going on?"

"Well I wasn't doing anything useful around camp, so I'm here to help you." He explained.

I nodded.

"Also I can't stand Forsythe's attitude." He grumbled.

"He annoys you that much?" I queried.

"Yeah, he does. He has this crazy bias for Jynx, treating her like a queen, then treating us like second class citizens." He ranted.

"But he has good first aid skills. Plus he's Asian, so smart." I said jokingly.

"Don't be racist!" He warned. "But I get he's good at first aid, but why does he have to be an arrogant asshole?" He crossed his arms.

"At least he has an important role in the group." I stated sighing.

"Hey, Jayce. You're important to the group too." He said.

"In what way?"

"For starters, you can drive. You're strong. You have a good sense of leadership." He explained.

"You can do all that too." I stated obviously salty.

He sighed and we walked in silence for a while. Time passed slowly and the sun was getting lower.

"I'm thinking of leaving..." I said quietly. "I'm just dead weight for you guys."

"Don't say that Jayce. You're our rock. Without you we'd all fall a part." He exclaimed.

We remained quiet as we headed back to camp.

"Just sleep on it." He stated to me before we got back.

He ran over to Jynx to help her with the fire. Forsythe was also there, probably sorting food for everyone. I began to walk over. Jynx immediately gave me a big hug, I hugged back looking at Ryze. He was trying to pretend he didn't mention anything. I shook my head at him as Jynx pulled away.

"Don't leave." She mumbled sadly.

Forsythe stared at me. "Right. Any feelings of illness?" He asked.

"No." I stated.

"Good. You'll be fine then, as it's been 12 hours. The zombie infection should've spread by now if that Crow gave it to you." He stated shoving a bowl of beans towards me.

"Right. Thanks for the first aid I guess."

"Yeah whatever." He grumbled.

He shoved a bowl to Ryze. Then gently passed one to Jynx.

"There you are, hopefully it's warm enough for you Jynx." He smiled at her. "How's you're head?"

"Its fine now thanks to you." She smiled back.

Her smile was so nice. I'm glad she was smiling again...

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