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Api doused himself in a tub of ice-cold water, which Ais quickly replenished. Clenching his hands into a fist, he screamed as pillars of ice lunged at him, which he destroyed with his bare hands. He tore them apart like they were made of paper. His skin was red and burnt from the cold temperature, yet he didn't stop.

The largest of the pillars rose up to face him. It was larger than a house, and it posed as a threat in his path. Fists blazing, the frost and moisture gathered on his body evaporated, transforming him into his elemental form.

Blaze cut through the glacier with his chakrams, the ice exploding into mist. He landed on the ground, his elemental abilities melting away.

"You're improving," Ais noted, reverting to Air. "Wish I could say the same for myself."

Api shrugged. "You're doing great. You don't need to improve."

Air's eyes darkened. "We all do, Api. I'm not good enough yet."

The pair of twins let the moment of doubt and insecurity settle in. The pain of losing someone had never receded, despite time passing and their strengths strengthening.

Api nodded. "Neither am I," he says softly. "Not yet."

He looked up to the sky and wished that everything would return to the way it had been, exactly as it had been three years ago.

* * *

"Angin and Daun are still busy," Air muttered. "There's something happening at the mall. They better not cause too much damage."

Api flopped on his bed, swiping at his phone screen. They're at the final year of high school, but they acted like kids who can't stay past their bedtimes because of their parents. Ever since their abilities were revealed to one another, they had been rather active on their new hero status.

They kept their identities down low. It was like Superman but without two identities. They would go in, take down whatever's being the bitch and leave as fast as they were able to. Their powers made it easy for a quick escape.

In spite of this, Air had learned not to let Api, Daun and Angin go on a rescue heist without supervision. Two of them were supposed to be her age, but they're acting like baboons. Daun just follows whatever they do.

"They'll be fine." Api pulled the sheets over his head, ending his day.

"Yeah, I know. I just worry."

"Sure. Good night, mom."

Once again, Ais had proved her archery skills were not one to be trifled with.

* * *

A restart?

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