Capter 1

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     Alex's POV

     My mother carried the last box into my new empty apartment. I was full of so many emotions, a little sad to say goodbye to my mom and sister, a little anxious about all the possibilities of my future, but mostly excited to figure out who I really want to be. Growing up in a smallish town in Michigan was fine, just fine. I never had many good friends, but it was more my choice. Gossip and high school drama never interested me in the slightest. Everyone was always so narrow minded, only focused on who was dating who or what form of boring job they were going to limit themselves to when we graduated. I never really understood why no one else could see the endless possibilities that the world had to offer.

"Don't get into too much trouble without me!" my sister Clara said pulling me out of my daydreams.

"No promises" i said back, grinning.

"Make sure to call or text me everyday so i know you're not dead" stated my mother.

    I was half expecting a laugh after she said that but it never came. I could tell she was a little sad I was moving so far away. It was already 6pm and they had a long drive ahead of them.

"Keep her sane for me will ya" I giggled referring to my mother while hugging my sister goodbye.

"I'll try my best" she replies

"Oh come here!" said my mother, slightly tearing up pulling me into a long tight hug.

"Can't. Breathe" i huffed out.

"we should leave before we get stuck here another few years" Clara said sarcastically.

"You're right, I've got work Monday! We're barley going to make it as it is" my mom said after finally letting me go.

They were right, these last goodbyes could last hours. To not prolong it anymore they hurried out the door as we all waved goodbye to each other. At this point we all had slight tears in our eyes, but we would be ok. When the door shut a weight was lifted off my shoulders in a moment of relief, but then a whole new load was put right back on as i looked around my bare walls realizing all the work i had ahead of me. Setting up my first apartment, finding a job, finding friends, and who knows what else could happen. Luckily I had enough money to put down for 6 months rent, working at a music shop through junior and senior year of high school payed off. Other than that i didn't have much, but i was fine with that. I have time to figure it all out, i'm only 19, I was still figuring out who I was. I knew I should start looking for a job soon, although I didn't need to worry about rent just yet, I needed to feed myself, update my wardrobe and get some more furniture as soon as I figured out who I wanted to be and how I want to come off to others through my personal style that i never really had. That could all wait until tomorrow, for tonight pizza and bed it is!

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