Chapter Four

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"Hello?" Jax called out. He was standing in darkness, but he could see, he could move. "Hello?!"

"Jax?" A soft voice called out to him. The blonde whirled around. There stood Liza, a soft, red and green light emitting from her.

"Liza?" He breathed out, his eyes wide. He slowly took a step towards her, and another and another. It wasn't long before he was running, crashing into the female and tackling her in a hug. "Liza!"

"Jax!" She has done the same. They fell to the floor, arms wrapped around each other. "Oh my god!" They stayed embraced like that for about a minute, before beginning to disentangle themselves. "You asshole!" Liza said, punching Jax in shoulder after they stood up. "Don't you ever do that me again!"

"Ow, you don't need to hit that hard. Anyway, you never thanked me," He said jokingly. Liza looked confused.

"For what?" She asked. Jax let out a laugh.

"For saving your life dummy!" He said, giving her a lopsided grin. Her eyes widened for a moment, then she rolled them.

"Fine, thank you for saving my life," She said. Jax nodded, about to say "You're welcome", but she cut him off before he could. "You complete moron." He sighed, with a small smile, realizing she wasn't going to let that go. He looked up and at the darkness around them. The only light was coming from... them.

"Where are we?" He asked. Liza took her eyes away from him and frowned.

"I don't know," She said carefully. Behind Liza, the same soft red and green started rising up from the darkened ground.

"Liza," He nudged his friend and motioned to the light. Liza turned and put one arm out, as if she was trying to protect him. It stayed in the same spot, bouncing up and down a little. It a took a second for Liza to put her arm down and a step towards it. Jax followed her and soon enough, the two were standing in front of the light. It began to move, swirling around before taking the form of a soul.

"Is that... a soul?" Liza asked, eyebrows furrowed. It was two colours, one half was a glowing red, while the other was dimly glowing green and very cracked. Red light shown through the cracks, like some sort of glue.

"That looks like my soul..." Jax trailed off, staring at the green part. "Sort of. But where did the red come from?" Liza stared at the soul, her eyes wide.

"Me..." Jax stared at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You were dying... I couldn't just sit there and watch... I had to do something..." The blonde's eyes widen.

"You used your determination to keep my soul alive... and the result this shared soul. One that isn't yours or mine, but both of ours," He said slowly. "And you called me an idiot!" He said, turning to the glare at his redheaded friend. She looked taken aback, eyebrows furrowed into a confused. 

"I couldn't just-" She tried to defend herself, but was quickly cut off by Jax.

"Yeah, yeah, you couldn't just sit back and watch me die," He turned away from her, running a hand through his hair. 

"Hey," She snapped, putting a hand on his shoulder. "This was my decision. I was the one who decided to give up my DETERMINATION!" 

"Yes, but what if you get hurt? What if this drains your determination and you die? Do you think I could live with that?" He asked without turning back to her. He felt her grip on his shoulder tighten, before she slowly let her hand fall. 

"I didn't... I didn't think about that... it all happened so fast, you were dying, so-.. so-"

"You did the first thing you could think of," He finished the sentence for her. Liza looked away from him, and though he couldn't see it, she nodded.

"Yeah..." She said, before then trailed off into silence. Jax was quiet for about a minute. He let out a sigh and turned around. Liza lifted her head to look him in the eyes and he hugged her. Surprised, Liza's eyes widen. It took a second before she wrapped her arms around him as well, returning the hug. 

"It's no use fighting over it," He said. "Whatever happens next, we'll get through it together," He pulled away to stare into her eyes, hands on her shoulders. "Right?" Liza swallowed hard, before nodding.

"Right," She said.


Jax woke up with a gasp. Beside his hospital bed, Liza did the same. 

"What's happening?! What's wrong with their souls?! What's going on?!" He could hear Liza's parent, Erin, shouting from the hall outside the room.

"Please, I need to see my son! Is he awake?" He could hear his own mother as well. 

"They're awake!" One of the nurses beside his bed said in a loud voice, announcing their consciousness to the busy room. 

"Hey, hey look over here," A doctor shone a light in his eyes. "Can you tell me you name?" He put one hand up to his face, trying to block out the light.

"J-Jax, y name is Jax," He said groggily.

"What is your mother name?" She asked patiently.

"Emily," He said and then looked around the room, searching for Liza. She was sitting in a chair beside his bed, looking confused as well. There was another doctor doing the same. "What's going on?" 

"You've just woken up from a coma. Do you remember anything?"  His head hurt, he could hear some sort of buzzing. It was to loud in the room, to many hospital staff milling around them. He was fine, Liza was fine, they didn't need these people making sure they were. He didn't answer the doctor, but stared at a light forming between himself and his friend. The light turned into their soul. Liza was staring at it as well. Their eyes lifted and they met above the soul. 

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