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After I have explained everything to Jack, we ran to Principal Reynara's room. Right now, Jack does not believe me, but he was giving me a chance to prove to him that I'm telling nothing but the utter truth. We eavesdropped.

"Should I go look for the two?" the man asked Reynara. Somehow, I thought that principal Reynara did a facepalm just because I heard a sound that sounded like one.

"Are you stupid? Don't you feel anything right now?!" Principal Reynara shouted-asked.

"Huh?" the man asked, sounding confused.

Principal Reynara sighed, "I wonder when will I be able to hire a good spy..."

"Anyway, you don't need to look for the two siblings."

The door suddenly opened and Jack and I fell to the floor. We looked and up and saw principal Reynara as she did a wicked smile and said, "Because they are already here."


My heart started beating fast.

Principal Reynara smirked. She turned around and did a snap from her fingers, "Get 'em, Harry."

Harry - the man nodded and walked his way to us, his hands ready. Jack and I both screamed.

Then suddenly...

"Release my children, sister!" someone yelled. I looked past my shoulders and saw the person I have been waiting for. Tears streamed down my face.



Finally! finally, I found my children!

I took hold of my tranquilizer gun. i yelled when my sister moved, "Don't move or I'll shoot you!"

I thought she wouldn't move, afraid to die, but I was wrong. She moved so fast I wasn't able to detect it. She threw a pokeball and out came a Bastiodon. "Shield me, Bastiodon!" The Bastiodon roared and stomped once before he shielded my sister. Reynara then took another one of her pokeballs out and out came a Noivern. "Now Noivern, use Flamethrower on that woman!" She pointed at me, her eyes glared angrily at me.

"NO!" Estelle yelled. But before I could even say a goodbye to her, I fell to the floor, knocked out. My vision went blank.


i gasped at the sight. More tears streamed down my face. Anger built inside me. I did a backflip surprisingly and kicked Reynara luckily, which made her fall to the floor. I then searched for a sharp thing and found a glass shard. I took it and used it to cut the rope that tangled me, also Jack's.

"Let's give Reynara the best revenge she will ever have in her entire life!" My eyes blazed. Jack nodded and took out his pokeball. His mighty Charizard came out. I took my Aurorus out.

Reynara finally awoke and stood almost instantly, she then prepared her Bastiodon and Noivern. "Bastiodon, crash into Aurorus, Noivern, use Dragon Pulse on Charizard!"

"Aurorus, use Protect! Then use Ice Beam on Noivern!"

"Charizard, dodge it! Then use Flamethrower on Bastiodon!"

Noivern's easily knocked out, but Bastiodon still stood strong.

"Bastiodon, quick, use Toxic on both of them!"

I stood there, unmoving. C'mon Estelle! Think! Think. I stood there still, wasn't able to think of a plan for this one when I suddenly saw Charizard carry Aurorus int the air, thus, both dodged the status move. I looked at Jack and whispered a thank you while he just smiled and mouthed a no problem.

"Estelle, why don't we finish this together?" Jack asked me.

"Yes." I said and commanded Aurorus, "Aurorus, use Ice Beam once more!"

"Charizard, use Flamethrower once more too!"

The two opposite elements spliced into one and hit the Bastiodon hard. it fainted.

Principal stood there, shocked and her eyes wide, "I..impossible..that's impossible! You two weaklings can't defeat me! That's impossible! No! No! No one could ever defeat me! No one! MWAHAHA! No one! MWAHAHAHA!" she went crazy and knelt, tears now streamed down her face.

"NO! NO! NO!" She shook her head in disbelief. "This cannot be!"

Jack and I looked at each other. We both cried too. Our mother...whom we only get to meet personally now...just died.

We hugged each other. We may have to start a new life alone, without the accompany of our mom or dad, but at least the two of us were together. That will always mean something to the both of us.

You Don't Know Me [Pokemon Watty Awards 2014]Where stories live. Discover now