--Chapter Four--

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   The bell rings noisily. Principal Reynara grins at me, "Go." 

   I nod my head, and hug her tightly, whispering to her ear, "Thank you so much."

   She pats me on the back, and soon, I stop hugging Principal Reynara. I exit the room with one thing in my mind. Revenge. 

   As many would say, "Revenge is sometimes sweet." 


   The next day, I go to school very early so as to not ruin my plan of embarrassing Jack.

   Without even hesitating, I sit on Jack's chair. Soon, some of my classmates enter the room, gasping when they see me sitting on Jack's chair, and not even looking terror-stricken. 

   "What is wrong with her? Does she not know that that chair is Jack's? She will be punched so hard by him if he sees this!" 

   Of course, I know precisely what Jack will do if he sees that I am sitting on his chair, but this is actually my plan of embarrassing him in front of many people. 

   Minutes pass and Jack has finally come. He is in extreme rage. He stomps his way to me and I stand up. "Why are you sitting on my chair?!" 

   "Because I want to. Why? Do you have any problem with it?" 

   "Oh yes! I do have a problem with it!" he shouts, saliva coming out of his mouth. 

   "And do I care if you do?"  I ask him, crossing my arms. 

   "You will, or else-" 

   "Or else what?" I calmly cut him off. He raises his right fist and tries to punch me, but I calmly grab hold of his right arm. He tries to punch me again but this time, with his left fist, but like before, I quickly grab hold of his left arm.

   "Is that really all you can do?" I ask him, smirking. He grows angrier, and tries punching me several times again, but I am always able to block his fists. I then punch him on his stomach, making him descend to the ground. 

   "Even after this, I am not done with you yet. This revenge of mine has only started." I warn him. He looks at me, eye to eye, looking afraid. Well, he should be.

   "You've changed." He says, and runs away, frightened. 

   I don't know why, but I gasp. Is he right? Of course he is right. I have changed. 

   But have I changed for the better? 


I am sorry that this chapter is not good, but I do love how I ended it. How about you? Do you love how I ended it? If so, then please vote for this chapter. If there are any grammar mistakes, don’t hesitate to tell me! As for the next chapters, the revenge will be more intense, so keep waiting, my readers!

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