Her Funeral

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It was a week after her death. He wasn't near ready to see her lifeless body again, but he felt obligated to attend her funeral. After all, she was the woman he loved. Technically she was the first woman he loved, and that was a major statement, considering he was twenty-one now. The man checked himself in the mirror, and as he went to fix his tie, Xiannae stepped up and shook her head, undoing it and retying it the correct way for him. The Fiend smiled down at his old friend, who was joining him in the funeral for moral support.

The woman patted his chest as she offered him a reassuring smile. He smiled back, and she took that as the signal that he was ready to leave. The pair walked to the funeral service from his house, with his hands deep in his pockets the entire way. Part of him couldn't help but think of Rae. He had previously told her he was going to visit family on personal affairs for a couple days, which in a way he was. He was going to be meeting his would've-been parents-in-law. The thought tugged his heartstrings nice and hard, so he pushed it out of his mind for now. Save it for the service.

Once they made it to the funeral home, he saw people were going to pay their respects to the fallen woman. Kiken joined the line behind her parents, who probably thought they were to be the last. The two cried. They sobbed, and he could tell their hearts were just wrenching. When they left the coffin, he stood beside it. There she was: paler than what he remembered, but her beautiful hair still a cherry brown. The blood had been washed from her face, and she looked simply angelic.  He gave a sad smile as he whispered his final goodbyes to her.

As he left, he saw her parents staring at him, as if curious as to who he was. What was a stranger doing at their beloved daughter's funeral? Had he no shame? No, in fact, he hadn't. Kiken found a seat beside Xiannae on a couch, only to get up a minute or so later as the pastor brought the coffin outside to the cemetery.  Kiken took a mental picture of her grave, as he knew that he would be visiting it often. The white-haired man stared blankly at the pastor as he gave his not-very-heartfelt speech. The only time he perked up was when he noticed people were going up to the stand to give their personal speeches.

Beatrice went first. The poor little neko cried for the first time in what seemed years for her, but she tried to force a smile as she recalled good memories shared between her and Kokoro. Then, the mutt stepped up. Ok, maybe he should be more polite. Kaihiro stepped up. After her came a couple others he recgonized: Kairi--that little blonde-haired neko that he saw with Beatrice once--Russell--Kaihiro's stoic husband that thoroughly made him uncomfortable--and some others whom he had been acquaintaed with at the little hidden library in the Empire State Building. Then came her parents, who gave about a ten-minute, heartfelt speech that sent everybody to tears. Everybody except Kiken.

His heart raced as the pastor came up and asked if anybody else wanted to pay their respects.

He did. He so desperately did.

And then he found the courage. Kiken stood up and made his way to the podium.

The man glanced over the crowd, eyes swollen and noses red. He felt awkward. He should be the one crying the most right now. Everyone was staring at him intently, waiting for him to speak, and he started when he found the right words to say a minute later.

"Hi. Um...I'm not sure many of you like me, nonetheless know me. So, I should introduce myself I guess. My name is Kiken. Kiken Ohayashi. And that woman in the casket," He motioned with his hand over to his left, where she lay, "Was the woman that I loved. Our story wasn't the most romantic, I can say that, but she was truly the only one who could have changed my ways. Needless to say, she did. But over time, I realize now...I didn't treat her the way I should have. I neglected her, especially when she needed my support most. And of course this led to a heartbreak. I'm sure that she told you all that I was the one who hurt her, who shattered her heart into a million little pieces. I admit to this now, but she left a large footprint on my heart, and my life.  Since I met her, I've never been the same. She's made me really elaborate on things I've done in my past, and for awhile she helped me move on.

"Mister and Misses Nakamura," He looked over at the couple clinging onto each other, "You two would have been my parents if I hadn't pushed her away. I'm sure you two are great. Your daughter was beautiful, inside and out." Kiken looked over at Kaihiro then, "Mutt--I mean...Kaihiro. I'll cut you some slack for a few days. We're both at a truce now because we lost somebody close, okay? This will be the only time you will ever hear me call you by your name." The woman smiled slightly.

"I guess I should go on and tell you all something important. I was there when she died. Kokoro Ai Nakamura died in my arms--I watched the light fade from her eyes." He wanted to stop himself from spilling too much information, but he knew that these people had the right to know, and only the pastor and her parents were unaware of the extra information. "She was attacked by a thing known as a Shadow Fiend. I am one of them." He could see the shock in the peoples' eyes, especially Kaihiro's and Xiannae's. His friend shook her head slightly, eyes wide, warning him that he should stop where he is. But he didn't. "I had angered her earlier that night, so she went to go for a walk. I stayed in her apartment until I got worried about her going out alone. I heard a scream from somewhere near the park, so I ran, but just as I got to the man assaulting her, she had been stabbed in a vital point. Needless to say, I disposed of him. And, well.." His red eyes went downcast. He wasn't sure if he could continue. Tears welled in his eyes, but no matter how hard he tried to keep them at bay, they spilled over. Kiken placed his hand to his eyes and wiped the tears away with his index finger and thumb.

As he caught his voice once more, he continued, "I told her that she was going to be okay, but I knew she wasn't. She knew it, too, but I didn't want her to tell me. So, she lied for my sake and told me that it would all be alright. A few minutes later...she died. I closed her eyes and brought her to the hospital, but I couldn't stand to be around her anymore. I left as soon as I could. The most prominent of my regrets is that I never told her that I still loved her while she was alive. I suppose this is nature's way of telling me that it's time to move on.

"Her smile and her voice were adorable, and I loved the looks she gave me when I annoyed her. She had a vibrant personality and she was absolutely stunning. I know for a fact that Kokoro will never be forgotten, publicly for her career as a model and personally amongst her family, who knew her better than she did. I'm not the man who usually does this sort of thing, and I know for a fact that I haven't said these two words in years, but thank you." And then he stepped down. It was silent his entire way back to his seat, and it lasted until the end of her burial.

Afterwards, Kaihiro rushed over and gave him a tight hug, only one that a dog could achieve. She was sobbing against his suit. Kiken, caught unawares, stared down at her in shock. It took him a couple moments of hesitation before he almost reluctantly reached his arms around her, giving her a tight squeeze in return. He knew he would have to take a chemical bath later, but he promised in his speech that he would cut her slack. He was a man of his word now. Kiken released her, and she released him. The animagus stared at him almost in disbelief for a few minutes before Russell whispered something to her that made her follow him back to their car and drive to their home.

It was then the parents approached him and asked him about their daughter's death. Kiken explained it all: "Your daughter was chosen at the age of sixteen to become what is known as a Manipulator. They play a large role in my society, and by Fiends they are seen as a threat. I am not one of those Fiends, but most are. The fevers she had in the hospital were due to her powers that would come along once she was chosen. For example, when her fever rose to about 103, she was earning her power of fire, and when her temperature dropped below normal, it was her receiving the powers of ice. It's...really complicated." He shrugged. Her mother smiled up at the white-haired man as he glanced over to find Xiannae.

"You...you are a good man, Kiken. I can tell things from your past have a way of haunting you, but I can also tell that you're willing to get overcome those obstacles. I would have happily taken you as my son-in-law." She patted his shoulder and walked away with her husband, who gave him an approving glance as he walked away.

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